Cowboy's Secret Baby (Cowboy Billionaire Secrets #2) - Monica Bolt Page 0,35

in one hand and sippy cup in the other as he watched us from his highchair. A frown creased my lips. I had forgotten about that formidable woman. She had a reputation the preceded her when it came to protecting her sons. I knew that Harrison would be no different. Even if Walker and I were able to co-parent, would she let us without interfering?


Chapter Fourteen (Walker)

“I thought you said you’d be right over,” I grumbled.

Jackson laughed. “Yeah, well, that was before your pissed off mother called and decided she was coming out. You owe me.”

“For what? You already said you weren’t going to tell her shit.”

“It wasn’t me she was after. She figured Hailey would know something about something.”

“Awe hell,” I cringed. “She told me she’d drop it for the next two days.”

“But she didn’t promise, now did she?” Jackson asked. “She’s a sly old coot, I’ll give her that. In either case, I sent Hailey and the baby out the back. They ran around town all day until mom finally gave up and went home.”

“Well, thank god for that. She isn’t giving me much room to breathe, now is she?”

“Hi, sweetheart!” Hailey said.

When my sister in law appeared in the study doorway, I jumped up to give her a hug. With no small child running circles around her, I had to assume they’d left the baby at home. Hailey glowed like only a mother could, looking a little worn but happy nonetheless. The second I’d met her, we’d become fast friends. Our shared love of travel, forming a sibling bond between us instantly.

“Sorry, the baby is giving my mom hell. You’d think we were in the terrible twos!” She said.

“Don’t beat yourself up too much, Hailey. You are doing an amazing job. I’m sure it’s not easy raising a child when you’re married to one.” I said.

“Hey! At least I found someone to marry and keep me in line! If you’d have done the same, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.” Jackson said.

“I guess I can’t argue with you too much on that one. No matter what I should have done, I need to get this fixed and fast.”

“What’s going on?” Asked Hailey. “Jackson said you went out with Stacy; don’t tell me this is all over one lousy date. You know there are plenty of fish in the sea –

“Harrison is my son,” I blurted out.

Hailey went silent, her eyes wide as she looked down at her lap. Instantly a blush jumped to her cheeks though she tried to hide it. My stomach flipped. I’d seen the look on her a few times in the past, mostly when she was trying to keep a surprise from Jackson. Hailey had a bad habit of wearing her heart and her emotions on her sleeve. She was easier to read than a picture book.

“You already knew!” I yelled.

Jackson’s head jerked in his wife’s direction then back to me. I could tell from his look of shock that he hadn’t been the one to spill the beans.

“I had a hunch, I didn’t know anything,” Hailey corrected. “I don’t know how anyone could not see it the second they meet that little boy. I mean, he’s a smaller version of you right down to his attitude!”

“Why didn’t you tell me!” Jackson bellowed. “I thought we were supposed to share everything!”

She laughed. “You knew! Walker told you, and you didn’t tell me, so we are even. Plus, I didn’t know for a fact, I just had a good idea.”

“Well, I’m glad you were able to figure it out on your own because now mom wants to know why I’m interested in a single mother. I need to make Stacy see that I am what’s best for her and Harrison both before mom figures all this out.”

“Oh, you both make her out like she’s some evil stepmother, but she’s not,” Hailey said. “She cares about her sons, and I don’t blame her.”

“And her grandchildren,” I added. “Put yourself in Stacy’s shoes, how would you react if my mother showed up unannounced and demanded grandparenting time with your child? Let’s pretend you two never got together.”

Hailey’s face went pale. “I would run as far away from Texas as I possibly could. Your mother is a little scary at times, I admit. I don’t think I’d want to be Stacy when she’s got a bone to pick.”

“Now you understand why we need to get this sorted out? I don’t want to lose Stacy or Copyright 2016 - 2024