Cowboy's Secret Baby (Cowboy Billionaire Secrets #2) - Monica Bolt Page 0,33

relationship, you’ll be the first to know. For now, just let it go.”

“Fine, but if you ask me –

“I’m not.”

She rolled her eyes, “Well if you did, I think Walker is delightful. You two make a good match. You should give him a chance.”

“Let’s talk about it later, okay? I’m going to talk to the customer and lock up. I’ll be up in a few.”

I let Harrison reach out and give me a kiss though I stayed out of reach of his paint-covered hands. Usually, I’d love to be covered in colors right along with him. However, I still had a level of professionalism I needed to maintain around the gallery. With my smock already balled up for the washer, I wasn’t about to gamble on a toddler's luck. Matty slipped up the back staircase as I painted a smile on my face. It fell the instant I saw the patron.

“Neil, I was just about to lock up for the night,” I said.

He grinned. “Well, don’t let me stop you, I’d love to be locked in here with you. Maybe then we can get a real first date.”

“Did you need something? I don’t want to leave the kids upstairs too long. They’re both hungry.”

“Maybe if mom spent a little less time dating, she’d have time to cook. Or at the very least, teach your live-in nanny to do it.”

My heart iced. “I don’t think my personal life is any of your business. Now, if you don’t need anything, I should be going.”

“Oh? Have you got another date with your rich rancher? You know if you’d told me that was your type, I’d have bought a cowboy hat and boots for the bedroom.”

“My love life is none of your business,” I seethed. “I want you to leave now.”

He glared at me, reaching into his briefcase and pulling out a stack of papers. I’d forgotten all about the signed deed which he promised, or rather insisted, on delivering in person. Suddenly I wondered how much of my conversation with Matty he had heard. Neil was a snake, one that I’d be happy to cut the head off given a chance. I stuck my hand out for the papers, and he recoiled.

“Now now, what’s the hurry? You can spend the night with the Wheeler man but not fifteen minutes with the man who gave you your home and business?”

“You didn’t give me anything. I worked for this place, and I paid a fair price for it. Stop trying to make yourself sound like some kind of a saint.”

“Smart words for such a dumb woman. Don’t you think my parents could have gotten more? I only gave you such a good deal because you led me along.”

“I did no such thing!” I snapped. “How dare you imply that! I told you from the very first time you started asking me out that I wasn’t interested. Another thing, my relationship with Walker is none of your business.”

“Well, it sure seems to be since everyone keeps talking about it. They are all wondering why you turned me down; I guess I can’t blame you for going after more money. Especially not when he’s happy raising a bastard son.”

It took every ounce of self-control I had not to lunge across the room and strangle the life out of him. My son was no bastard. The hate that I saw in Neil’s eyes told me everything I needed to know. If it wasn’t that insult, he’d just come up with another one. He was doing everything he could to hurt me and get under my skin. All because I didn’t want to date a man who thought he was God’s gift to woman.

“Get out,” I snapped. “Give me my deed, and get out.”

“You know it would be a shame if something were to happen to this deed before it got to you. You and your poor baby would be out on the street. I wonder how much Walker Wheeler would look at you when he knew you were just after his money.”

“Walker Wheeler is my business. Now you can either give me the deed and get out, or I will see you in court. Either way, you need to leave now before I call the police.”

“Whoa,” he grinned. “Take it easy. Just relax. I was only playing around.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t like the way you play around, and I don’t like you. I want you gone,” I said.

I stuck out my hand for the deed, and he glared Copyright 2016 - 2024