Cowboy Strong - Carolyn Brown Page 0,67

down on the coffee table where the beers were already waiting, and opened it up. “Meat lovers,” he groaned. “My favorite.”

“Daddy’s too. He probably ordered an assortment with a couple of extra-large meat lovers included.” She picked up a slice and bit into it. “God, this tastes good.”

Pax did the same and moaned his appreciation. “Maybe we should’ve had a pizza bar at the wedding reception.”

“It’s not too late,” she said between bites. “Maybe we’ll have some delivered to our room at the honeymoon hotel that first night.”

Pax nodded as he chewed and then washed the bite down with a sip of beer. “I’m so glad that we met up at Mam’s last winter and started talking.”

“Me too,” she told him. “But moving past what did happen and looking forward. We’re going to have some arguments, you know.”

“Yep, and that might involve make-up sex, right?” he asked.

“You’ve got a wicked twinkle in your eye, Mr. Callahan,” she said.

“I’m talkin’ about what I’ve heard from the guys.” He shrugged. “I’ve never been with anyone long enough to have arguments and then make-up sex.”

“Bullshit!” She almost choked on a mouthful of pizza.

“Truth.” He held up his right hand. “I’ve always been a one-night-stand kind of guy. Commitment has always scared the hell out of me.”

“Got to admit, I have dated, but it kind of scared me too,” she said.

“By the way, do you kiss on the first date?” he joked.

“Not usually, but I’ve had the hots for you for a very long time, so I guess a few kisses wouldn’t hurt,” she shot back at him.

Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips when he moved closer to her. That tiny little motion created a stir behind his zipper. When his lips met hers, she groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers tangled up in his hair, and the kisses got deeper and deeper until neither of them could breathe.

“We didn’t fight, so this can’t be make-up sex,” she panted as she took off her shirt and tossed it on the other side of the coffee table.

He started to unbutton his shirt. “If make-up sex is hotter than this, I’m not sure I can stand it.”

She brushed his hands away and unfastened every single button for him. She unzipped his jeans and tugged them and his boots off in one fell swoop.

The first round was over way too quick to suit Pax. “That was only the warm-up,” he said as he rolled to the side and drew her close to his body. “Are you ready for the real thing?”

“Bring it on, big boy,” she teased.

To begin the second round, they took the time to explore each other’s bodies, their hands finding all kinds of sweet spots that made the other one groan. Then when they actually did make love, it lasted long enough to leave them totally exhausted.

“Amazing,” she said.

“Awesome,” he managed.

She snuggled down onto his shoulder and promptly fell asleep. He stared his fill of her—long lashes fanned out on high cheekbones, a full mouth made for kissing, blond hair all messy, and a naked body made to fit right next to his. This game they were playing might turn into something wonderful, given time.

Chapter Sixteen

Alana woke up feeling grumpy on Friday morning, but then she and Pax hadn’t left the tack room until 3:00 a.m. Sure, she’d slept after they’d had sex, or was it after they’d made love? Then her stomach lurched, and she barely grabbed the trash can beside her bed in time.

“Must’ve been some bad sausage on the pizza,” she muttered as she rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth.

When she got to the kitchen, she found a note on the table from her father saying that he and Lucas had gone to the cattle sale in Amarillo and not to expect them home until suppertime. She opened the refrigerator, took out the milk, and grabbed a box of Lucky Charms. She’d eaten only a few spoonfuls when she felt her stomach begin to disagree with her choice of breakfast, and this time she barely made it to the bathroom.

She was busy washing her face when it dawned on her that she should be starting her period that very morning, and it had been thirteen days since she and Paxton had had unprotected sex. She couldn’t be pregnant, or could she? She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

No way would she buy a pregnancy test at the tiny, local drugstore. The news Copyright 2016 - 2024