Cowboy Strong - Carolyn Brown Page 0,12


“You’d lose that bet. See that big diamond ring on her hand and the way they keep smiling. I think they got engaged too,” she said.

“They’re too old for…” he started.

“Honey, haven’t you read that there’s more Viagra pills sold than antibiotics these days?” A mischievous grin tilted her lips. “I bet they think we’re talking about how much in love we are.”

“Let’s hope so.” He gently squeezed her hands.

“Good evening. Well, hello, Pax Callahan.” The waitress batted her eyelashes at him. “I heard you’d moved back, but I haven’t been out to the Wild Cowboy in ages.”

“Vicky, meet my fiancée, Alana. Alana, this is Vicky,” Pax said.

“Nice to meet you.” Vicky nodded toward Alana, then turned back to Pax. “Never thought I’d see the day that a woman would lasso you.”

Pax kept his eyes on Alana and a smile on his face. “It took someone who understands me and loves me for what I am: a plain old cowboy.”

“Well, I’m here to take your drink order, and then I’m going to leave you with another waitress,” Vicky said. “I’m already dipping into overtime, and The Silver Dove doesn’t like us to do that. So what can I get you?”

“A bottle of your best champagne,” Pax answered. “And bring us an assortment of appetizers to nibble on while we study the menu.”

“Coming right up, and congratulations to you both.” She winked at Pax.

“What was that all about?” Alana asked.

“We danced a few times at the Wild Cowboy and flirted a lot,” he admitted.

“Are you going to miss those times this next little while?” she asked.

“Maybe, but then I’m engaged to the prettiest girl in this part of Texas, so I kind of doubt it. We’ll be so busy with all the wedding stuff that the time will go fast.” The smile disappeared, and he tilted his head to the side. “I’m sorry. You don’t want the time to go by lightning fast. You’ll want to enjoy every moment you can spend with Matt.”

“This whole thing has me so wound up in knots that I’m not sure what I want,” she said. “The full impact of what is about to happen hasn’t even sunk in. I’ve cried, and Daddy and I’ve talked a little, but not enough. He doesn’t seem to want to say much about it, other than that he wants life to be as normal as it can possibly be. Looking back now, I realize that something’s been wrong for a while. He hasn’t had much of an appetite, and he’s been taking a nap after we come in at noon for a break. Maybe if I’d been less involved with the ranch, I would’ve made him go to the doctor sooner.”

“You can’t blame yourself,” Pax said. “And Matt wouldn’t want you to anyway.”

“But I do,” she argued. “I’m an only child. He’s raised me all by himself after Mama died. I never thought of him as aging. I guess I figured that he’d live to be a hundred or at least ninety, like his father did.”

“That’s what I thought about my grandpa too, so I understand what you’re saying. He was taken from me in the blink of an eye, but he died the way he wanted. He used to tell me that he wanted to drop at the end of a long day, right there on the ranch, and that’s exactly what happened.” Pax locked gazes with her. “Your dad has been given some time and what he wants is to see you settled and happy. We can give him that.”

“Hello, I’m Deanna.” Their new waitress set a silver ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it on the table. “Shall I pour for you?”

“Yes, please.” Pax’s eyes never left Alana’s.

Deanna poured champagne into two flutes. “I’ll be right back with your appetizers.”

Pax picked up his glass and held it up. “To an amazing engagement and wedding.”

She touched hers to his. “To making wishes come true.”

They each took a sip.

Alana leaned forward and said, “I’d really rather have beer, but it’s nice to try something a little different every now and then.”

“Me too,” Pax said. “These bubbles make my nose tickle.”

Deanna brought out the appetizers and asked if they were ready to order. Alana reached for a grilled shrimp, looked at the menu once more, and said, “I’ll have the nine-ounce rib eye, a loaded baked potato, fried okra, and sliced tomatoes.”

Pax handed Deanna his menu. “Make that two of the same, only I want the Copyright 2016 - 2024