Cowboy Logic - B.A. Tortuga Page 0,70

hand, and he had to just go.

He had to get to Greenville. He headed toward 34 and slammed on the gas. He had a terrible feeling Logic meant to sacrifice himself to make sure Bailey was safe when he left.

No matter what, Jericho had to make sure Logic stayed alive long enough to do whatever he needed to do.

Chapter 23

Logic called 911 as he pulled into the Walmart parking lot and reported a fight breaking out before he hung up, staying on the outside of the lot.

He then drove close to the only vehicle that was all alone in the lot, missing the truck bearing down on him that slammed into his driver’s side door.

“Fuck!” He turned into the skid, the whole world spinning violently, the airbag stealing his breath when it punched him in the face and torso.

Metal squealed, and he figured no one could miss this shit. They would already be drawing a crowd. His cheek and ribs were on fire.

“Come on. Come on, Logic. You have to do this.” The second crash hit the bed and just spun him, giving him a second to stop, slam on the brakes. He needed to find out where Conor was coming from, dammit.

He pressed the airbag down with his arm, punching it with his elbow. The squeal of tires on pavement said Conor was coming at him again, but he didn’t feel the impact like he expected. Instead he heard what seemed like a tire blowing.

The truck rocked on its springs, and then Conor’s vehicle slid into him, pushing him sideways, his tires squeaking on the pavement.

For a weird moment the world went silent, and then he heard someone snap, “Logic! Careful! He’s armed.”


Oh thank God.

He hadn’t even thought of the PI, and he’d hired the man.

He struggled to get the door open, hoping to slam it into Conor as the man charged him like a maddened bull. Logic felt more like Ferdinand. He really didn’t want to do this. His right arm was numb and didn’t want to answer, so he shoved the airbag above him back.

Okay. Out. Out of the truck. He whanged Conor with the door as hoped, then popped out of the truck like a very drunken jack-in-the-box. He couldn’t see, really, so he had to hope he wasn’t smacking Adrian around.

“Fucker!” Conor surged forward, and Logic ducked behind the door, not sure what exactly the bastard was armed with. He heard a dull clunk, so it probably wasn’t a gun. Thank God. That meant they were one up if Adrian had a sidearm.

He needed the police to get here. Soon. He used the door as a weapon, slamming it against Conor as hard as he could. “Adrian!”

“Coming, man!”

“Hurry faster!” Conor was just a rage-filled bag of air and skin. He wasn’t in there. Logic heard sirens. Okay, he could do this.

Logic heard Conor coming, and he braced himself behind the door, praying he could hold on.

“Back off, asshole!” Adrian roared, and then the blow to the car door didn’t come. “I will shoot you, man!”

“Fuckers! Fucking coward. Bringing help.” Conor pressed him between the door and the truck body, making him gasp for air. Conor beat on the door, each blow making him groan.

“I’m serious. Drop the knife and get on the ground!”

Conor disappeared, and when Logic pushed the door away, he saw a hunting knife sink deep into Adrian’s chest, and he heard two shots ring out.

Fuck. He sprang forward, his body feeling like it wasn’t his. His martial arts instructor had always said he would act on instinct if he had to, and he did. Disarm Conor.

He sucked in a breath and launched himself, grabbing Conor and pulling him from Adrian. “You want me.”

Conor left the knife behind and the gun had spun away, Adrian not letting Conor have it. Now he just had to stay alive until the cops came.

Making a sound of pure bully rage, Conor swung at him, a haymaker that would take his head off if it connected.

He ducked, something deep inside him creaking, and he shoved Conor away. “Where are the fucking cops?”

He tried to scream, but he didn’t have the breath.

“On the ground!”

Oh God. The police.

“He stabbed me.” Adrian’s voice was a bubbly wheeze. “The one in the blue shirt.”

“He hit my truck. I have a restraining order on him. Please.” Logic coughed, blinking at the dark stain spreading on his shirt.

“I will taser you, sir! Hands behind your head, and down on the ground.” Man, that Copyright 2016 - 2024