Cowboy Logic - B.A. Tortuga Page 0,50

“Let’s do this. Winner takes all?”

“Winner takes all.” It was like the modern-day version of strip poker. Strip Mario Karts.

“Yeah?” Jericho cast him a sideways glance, those gray eyes glittering. “You’re on.”

It was so fun to play when no one had a chance to lose.

Jericho texted Logic about nine thirty on Sunday night.

God, he hoped so, because he’d promised Ellie he’d find it, and he didn’t want his mother-in-law to have to drive out here in the dark.

About five minutes later, he got .

His heart pounded. He wondered if he should tell Logic to bring himself a bag too.

He couldn’t believe how much busier adding a lover into his life made things. Honestly, he bounced between parenting and working and orgasms and worry and bliss and joy.

Not that he wasn’t over the moon. He was. Jericho just wasn’t sure he deserved it.

Then again, who did. Life wasn’t lived by a scorebook.

Logic’s headlights gleamed in the window and then turned off, the engine killed.

Jericho grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge, then took them out to the deck. Ellie was asleep, but Travis was in his room, on his phone, he was sure.

His kid had a very busy social life, and he loved to play games. Jericho was fine with that as long as Travis didn’t get bitchy from lack of sleep. Then all phones went off at 11:00 p.m.

They had an agreement, and so far, so good.

“Hey, man. I come bearing backpackage.” Logic came up, offering him a warm smile.

“Yay. Ellie will be less hysterical.” He let himself take a kiss before he offered beer in exchange for the wee pink backpack purse.

“It was left on Darcy’s closet doorknob.” Logic leaned in to him, lips soft as petals against his face.

“Mmm. Hey.” Jericho turned his head, wanting to get a real kiss.

“Hey you. Want to hang for a few? I mean, since I drove all the way out here…”

“I do. I want.” He wanted lots of things, but he would ask instead of pushing. Maybe they could make out like kids on the couch to start.

“You want to sit on the deck? It’s a gorgeous night.” Logic led him over to the double swing, cuddling in close. “What did y’all do after brunch?”

“All the things for school tomorrow.” Jericho rolled his eyes. “Neither of my kids procrastinate, but Sunday always seems to be crazy. And we played some Clue. Ellie picked the game today.”

“Did she win? She seems like the type who would be good at cold reading.”

“How did you know? She kicked our butts, man.”

“She wants to be President, honey. She needs to be fierce.”

Jericho hooted. Lord, he loved that dry-as-dust tone. It was part fond, part sarcasm, and part Logic.

“Yeah, she’s my sharp knife in the drawer. Not that my robot boy isn’t, in his way.” They were both amazing, his kids.

“They’re both great.” Logic shot him a wicked grin. “Sort of like their dad.”

“You think?” He didn’t see how someone like Anderson could want a broke-dick cowboy like him.

“I do. So, tell me, what’s the last movie you saw in a theater?” Logic winked over. “That wasn’t Disney or DreamWorks.”

“Uh.” He had to think about that. “The Conjuring.”

“Scary! I’ve seen that one. Did you go alone?”

“Yeah. I wanted to just get away and leave everyone behind. None of the people I was around then loved horror.”

“I’d go see a horror movie with you. I’d let you hold my hand.” Logic didn’t sound like he was being sarcastic. In fact, he sounded like he was absolutely serious.

“I’d go with you.” Maybe he wouldn’t hold hands, but maybe he could. In the dark.

“Cool.” Logic sucked back a little more beer, Adam’s apple bobbing rhythmically. Jericho found himself fascinated, eyes watching it move—up and down, up and down.

Everything about Logic made him want to stare. Or kiss or lick.

“Are you thinking naughty thoughts, cowboy?” God, that was sexy as fuck.

“I am thinking all sorts of them, yessir.” He wanted to do very bad things. In the best way.

“Mmm… excellent. I love when you’re wicked. It bodes well for me.” Logic seemed to lean forward for a kiss, but then he suddenly stopped, frowning deeply. “What the fuck is that?”

Jericho turned to look at the horizon where Logic was pointing. There was a glow rising to the sky from the ground. An orange one. “A fire. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024