Cowboy Logic - B.A. Tortuga Page 0,36

their noses together. “Monday, right?”

“Monday. I’ll be waiting.” God, please don’t let Anderson cancel. He would get it, but it might break him a little.

“Want to hang out, honey? Sit on the couch and watch Live Rescue?”

“I really do. Let’s wash up.” They could use the sink at the outdoor kitchen and avoid questions from the kids. He loved that, that Anderson wanted to hang out, be with him.

Not simply come and go. He snorted at that. Funny.

Hoisting up off Anderson, he closed up his jeans, then headed to the sink to get wet cloths. He got a grope of his butt as he walked by.

He knew Anderson was going to have to go home soon. Bailey didn’t need to be alone, and had said as much. Didn’t matter. This would still go down as one of the best days he could ever remember. Period.

This was the day that he felt wanted.

Chapter 11

“Thanks for the ride, honey.” He leaned over and stole one last kiss, lips lingering on Jericho’s. “Supper was amazing.”

He couldn’t believe Dougie was sound asleep in Travis’s bed, watching his hero play games. So. Cute. He’d never once asked to go home.

“No problem at all.” Jericho’s lips looked swollen, his eyes heavy lidded. “Have Bailey call me if Ellie needs me. I’ll see you soon.” There was such an interesting promise there.

“You know it. Monday. Night, honey.” He slipped out of the truck and headed up to his little above-the-garage apartment.

His phone chimed about the time he hit the top of the stairs. Damn. No one got away with anything around here.

Fuck-a-doodle-doo. <???> He tried for innocence by text.

It was so worth it, what he and Jericho had done. Even if Bailey was going to lose her shit on him.

She met him on the back porch, where no one else would hear. “What the hell were you thinking? You stayed for a booty call with Jericho Yeager!”

“We’re both legal and willing, for fuck’s sake! What is your problem?” He fully intended to do it again. Jericho was sweet and addictive, generous and open.

“He’s not out! Even with his kids!” She poked the center of his chest.

“I didn’t blow him in front of any kids.” Actually, Logic hadn’t blown him at all, but jerk him simply didn’t make his point. Also? Still a true statement.

“Jesus.” She flapped her hands in the air, like she always did when the argument started to slide his way. “But you—”

“He knows the score, Bailey. He was into it, I assure you.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I didn’t have to seduce at all. He needed an orgasm.”

“Lalala,” she chanted, sticking her fingers in her ears. Then she sobered. “Okay, I get it, but can you please be careful? He’s not a big city guy like you. He might get serious.”

“I’m not going to corrupt him, for fuck’s sake. I’m not a goddamn rapist!”

“Lower your voice,” she snarled.

“Then check yourself.”

She stared at him a moment, then sighed when all he did was glare in return, and nodded. “I know, Bubba. You’re a good guy. He had a shit time of it with his wife, and you had some bad endings too, and I don’t want either of you hurt.” That had the ring of truth and was way more reasonable.

“I hear you. This is two men having a little fun and wishing they could have been friends back when. That’s all.”

“Well, that I can get behind.” She gave him a hug. “Dougie is okay?”

“Sleeping like a log. Ellie?”

“Watching Moana again through her eyelids. With Darcy and Amanda up in the playroom. They have stuffed animals, pillows and blankies, and each other.”

“Aww. So, are you giving me coffee since you called me down to read me the riot act?” He pulled faces at her, gave her his best shit-eating grin.

“I am. Come on. I found another box of those peanut butter Girl Scout cookies too.”

“Ooh. And I didn’t even have to apologize to get them?” He wrapped one arm around her waist and danced her into the kitchen.

“Lord, you should get laid more often.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears.”

“Silly man.” She waltzed with him, though, didn’t she?

“You know it. I flew all the way here to shoot at the richest man in town and sleep with your neighbor.”

“Yeah, I hate this, because you know this isn’t the end.”

“Nope.” They both trailed to a halt. “What am I gonna do?”

“I don’t know. I’ll figure it.” But he had Copyright 2016 - 2024