Cowboy Bikers MC Werewolves - Esther E. Schmidt Page 0,29

know how much he loves the chase instead of being the one to lead.”

A snort leaves my body while he chuckles.

“Come on.” Figor dismounts and opens the gate to a nearby pasture. “This pasture is empty.”

We guide the horses inside and unsaddle. Watching how the both of them push their hooves into the grass to move their graceful bodies at full speed into the freedom of the pasture is captivating.

“I’ll never grow tired of that view.” I swing my gaze in Figor’s direction.

His eyes are locked on mine as he reaches out, curls his arm around my waist and pulls me close. “I’ll never grow tired of the view, of breeding and riding horses, of life on the ranch, my pack, and sharing it all with you.”

He turns me so my back is plastered to his front. I feel his lips on the top of my head. Though the huskiness and the request to let our horses run free in the pasture gave the intention of having sex, he doesn’t seem in a hurry to get inside my panties.

When push comes to shove it’s all about being together. Enjoying the moment and each other in any way possible. I guess even in bad times it’s easier to withstand a storm when you have a rock standing strong beside you. And that’s just it, we’re in no hurry to inhale life as it comes to us.

“Please tell me we’re not having another Sunday dinner at your parents’ house,” Figor suddenly grumbles.

Laughter escapes me and I have to say, “Yes, she called this morning. She even invited Ash to join us again.”

Now it’s Figor’s time to laugh. “Your mother is a damn matchmaker and likes to torment her man. Is she really set on hitching her daughter up with a werewolf?”

“Reeta was all over him the last time, and I didn’t hear Ash complaining either.” I snicker.

Figor’s lips brush the top of my head again. “Ash actually asked me this afternoon if he could join us the next time. Your mother’s meddling is unnecessary, I think those two can manage on their own.”

“My father is going to flip,” I tell him with a smile in my voice. “It’s the first time I’ve seen Reeta focused on something other than her job. She’s a workaholic and seeing her smile and spend time with Ash was a welcome change. I think it’s also the reason why my mother is trying to get those two together.”

“I thought it was because she wants grandkids.”

I tip my head back and glance right at him while I gasp, “What?”

“And this is the reason why we’re still dressed, Ophelia,” he murmurs huskily.

Realization sets in. A werewolf is able to smell the change in his mate.

“Are you saying–” I swallow the rest of my words because I haven’t thought about kids yet.

“Breathe, love. Remember how you wanted to go slow? We might have fast forwarded some parts when we first got together, because neither of us could resist the attraction, but this part we can manage.” He pulls something from his jeans and the laughter comes once again.

“Condoms, huh?” I question.

“Condoms for a few weeks while you’re in heat.” His grin along with the love radiating from his blue eyes makes me emotional.

We’re together, our future is one path we’re taking together and still he heeds my request from when we met, where I asked if we could take it slow.

“I think the condoms is more of a question we need answered in the sense of being ready to bring kids into this adventure with us.”

The corner of his mouth twitches. “If the only thing we have to deal with is the eternal question of your father asking me if I know any rogue werewolves for him to kill, I’d say we knock you up and give ’em some grandkids to worry about instead. The more the merrier, and there’s always work to be done here. So, an extra pair of hands would be welcome.”

I smack his chest and shake my head. “Use the condoms for now. I’m not sure I want kids until you find the right reasons to expand our family.”

“Woman,” he growls as he pulls me closer. “Expanding our love is always a right reason.”

Expanding our love. “Did you just take a long road around it instead of telling me you love me?”

“Caught that, didn’t you?” He leans in and brushes his lips against mine. “You love me.”

“I love you,” I automatically reply before I realize what Copyright 2016 - 2024