This Coven Won't Break - Isabel Sterling Page 0,93

name is part warning, part understanding, and I grasp on to the chance.

“Please,” I beg. “Gemma isn’t like your brother’s wife. She doesn’t hate us. She won’t do anything to hurt us.”

Something flickers across Elder Keating’s features, something soft and victorious and longing. For a brief moment, I feel bad for invoking the brother she lost, but Gemma and I shouldn’t have to share their fate. Things can be different this time.

Elder Keating glances over her shoulder at her colleague. “She might have a point, John. Maybe it’s time we step out of the shadows completely. The Hunters won’t be able to kill us with impunity if the world knows who we are.”

But the other Elder shakes his head. “Secrecy is the only thing that keeps us safe. We cannot afford to create more enemies for ourselves.”

“Open your eyes! We are not safe. Look at what the Hunters have done to us, pitting witches against each other. Stealing our magic and torturing us. We have the power to change the future of our Clans. All we have to do is get off our asses instead of clinging to outdated laws.”

Elder Hudson exhales slowly, like he’s had this argument a thousand times. “Katherine—”

“No, John. You can’t keep pushing this off. What is it going to take to convince you? We are under attack from all sides. Dozens of your Elementals have lost their magic. If there has ever been a time to change our laws, it’s now.” Elder Keating gestures to Gemma. “Sharing our secret with trusted Regs is the least we could do.”

“Maybe that day is coming,” Elder Hudson says, keeping his voice infuriatingly calm, “but we cannot let our enemies force that decision.”

“Excuse me?” Gemma asks softly, interrupting the Elders’ argument. She raises her hand like we’re in class and she has a point she’d like to add. She waits patiently for the Elders to acknowledge her before she speaks. “Am I allowed a say in what happens to me?”

“I suppose,” Elder Hudson says, a hint of amusement in his voice. “I assume you agree with my Caster counterpart?”

Gemma reaches for my hand and squeezes tight. “Do you really think the witches will be safer if I don’t remember anything?”

Elder Hudson nods. “Yes, child. I do.”

“Does everyone?” Gemma looks around the room, each witch nodding in turn. Cal casts me an apologetic glance before agreeing, too.

Keating crosses her arms and shakes her head. “This is a mistake.” Her voice is bitter and angry, and I wonder how many times since her brother’s death she’s fought to change our laws. Fought to make what Gemma knows okay.

Gem worries at her lower lip, but after a moment, she nods, too. “Then that’s what I want,” she says, reaching out and squeezing my hand. “If it’ll keep Hannah safer, I want you to take away my memories.”


THE WORLD SPINS OUT of control around me. “Gemma, you can’t.” I won’t let them strip away this new piece of her. I won’t go back into hiding. Not with her. Not again. “Please,” I beg, but I’m not sure who I expect to save me from this. “There has to be another way. I don’t want to lose Gemma, too.”

Gem turns and places her hands on my shoulders, staring down at me. “You’re not going to lose me. It’ll be fine.” She glances over her shoulder at Elder Keating. “It won’t hurt, will it?”

But the Elder Caster doesn’t acknowledge her question. She turns on the rest of the Council. “If you want to do this, fine. But don’t expect me to participate in any more of your regressive decrees. I’m going back to my hotel.”

The door slams on her way out.

“Don’t worry, Miss Goodwin,” Archer says in the wake of his Elder’s loud exit. “It won’t hurt. Cal will take good care of you.”

“We can help,” Coral says, standing up from her chair. “Unless Lexie wants to keep working on the journal.”

Lexie shrugs. “Wherever you need me. I’m game.”

“Does this mean we’re not suspects anymore?” Alice flops back onto the couch. “Or is all this traitor business on pause while we deal with Miss Savior’s No-Big-Deal Betrayal?”

Everyone ignores Alice, and the Casters shuffle Gemma into the kitchen. I try to go after her, but Archer puts a bandaged hand on my shoulder. “They just need a few minutes to calibrate the potion to your friend. After that, you’ll have a few hours before it’s ready. She can wait with you until it is.”

“I hate this,” Copyright 2016 - 2024