Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,74

up ahead. He could see Evie’s building. Hell, yes, he was almost there.

He’d called on the way and ordered Harvey to make sure that Evie didn’t get out of her home. Harvey had assured him that Evie was in her bedroom, resting.

He braked. Tore upstairs as fast as he could and rushed toward her door. Even as he reached for the handle—

The door wrenched open. “Where is the fire, man?” Harvey frowned at him. “Damn. What in the hell did you do? Run up all those stairs?”

Hell, yes, he had. Folks had been waiting for the elevator. There hadn’t been time for him to stand around. “Evie.”

Harvey jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “She’s still in her bedroom. Look, I saw her go in. She hasn’t come out. You can take five seconds to breathe and tell me why you’re freaking out.”

“Because it was a trap.” He didn’t take five seconds. He rushed straight for Evie’s room. He reached the door. Knocked lightly with his knuckles. “Evie?”

No answer.

Harvey crowded closer. “A trap? Who was supposed to get caught?”

Cole glanced back at him. “Me.” He knocked again. Harder. Twisted the knob. It was locked. The door shouldn’t be locked. Why would Evie lock the door? “He knew Harrison had sent me to rescue Evie. He figured Harrison would do the same thing for Gia. He wanted me out of the way.”

“Who is this ‘he’ that you’re talking about?”

“Robert Demakis. He wanted me away from Evie.”

“Look, I hate to break it to you, but other Wilde agents are just as good at keeping people safe as you—”

Cole kicked in the door. The lock shattered. Wood chips flew. The door swung inward and bounced against the wall.

At first, he didn’t see her. His heart stopped. Somehow, she’d gotten out or the bastard had gotten to her or—

Evie’s bathroom door opened. She came out, her steps slow and uncertain. Her skin seemed too pale. Shadows lined her eyes. She took in the broken door. The way his body was all heaving and tense. Then her stare flickered to Harvey.

“Evie…” Her name tore from Cole.

“You broke my door.”

“I will buy you ten new doors.” He lunged toward her. “What’s happened?” He could feel it, tell it—

Her lower lip trembled. “He said I had to sneak away. That I had to come to him.” She shook her head. “But I have a whole team of agents waiting to help me. I have you. Why the hell would I go to him on my own?”

Cole hauled her into his arms. He buried his face in the crook of her neck.

“Harrison has been taken,” she whispered. “I have orders to clear out five million dollars from his account. He said the bank wouldn’t even try to stop me. Apparently, I’m listed as having full access to his money all the time.”

His hold tightened on her.

“Whoever took Harrison, he told me to do it. Gave me all these instructions.”

Cole forced his head to lift. Her sweet scent surrounded him.

“Harrison was talking to me at first, but then someone took the phone from him. The guy’s voice was all distorted and robotic. I know he was disguising it.” Her gaze searched his. “If he’s hiding his voice that way, it means I know him, right? It means he thinks I’d recognize his real voice?”

Cole nodded. “I suspect you do know him.”

“Do you think Harrison was blindfolded or something? Because he’d have to be. If he wasn’t, if the guy let Harrison see his face…” Her lips pressed together a moment, then she continued, “He wouldn’t let Harrison go. Not after I gave him the money.” Her words tumbled out too quickly. “That’s what I kept thinking about. He’s disguising his identity from me, but…is he disguising it from Harrison? Or does he just plan to kill my brother no matter what I do?”

Cole didn’t answer her. Mostly because he didn’t want to see the hope fade from her eyes. But…Yeah, baby, I think he plans to kill your brother.

He tenderly kissed her cheeks. “I’ll get Harrison back for you.”

She grabbed his hands before he could back away. “We’ll get him back.”


“I waited for you, Cole. Just so you know, I could have gotten out.” Her gaze flickered to Harvey. “No offense, and I’m not trying to insult you, but I could have gotten away.”

Harvey’s eyebrows climbed.

“I didn’t, though. Because I knew that I needed you guys. But I’m not sitting on the sidelines. The kidnapper said he wanted me to Copyright 2016 - 2024