Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,72

they did.

“You go in the back,” Cole directed James. There wouldn’t exactly be a back door at a place like that, but they’d done a full area search and realized that each room had a bathroom—with a window. Breaking the lock on the window and getting in would be child’s play for James.

Before they could move, though, Cole’s phone vibrated. He hauled out the phone and looked down at the text from Harrison.

Just got another call. Was Gia. She begged for me to meet her at the Fiesta Motel. I’m on my—

Cole sent back his text. We are in position outside the Fiesta Motel right now. Told you—we have this. Go to Evie. Will contact you when Gia is safe.

He shoved the phone into his pocket. Pulled out his weapon.

“We take the perps down,” Cole told his team. “We end this.”

The other two men nodded.

No one was going to threaten Evie again. This was ending.

Silently, they attacked. They flew across the parking lot, sticking to the shadows. James disappeared behind the motel. Cole and Chase headed for the door of room one-oh-six. Cole paused only a moment before he motioned with his hand.

Chase nodded.

And he kicked in that door.

The door flew against the wall even as Cole burst inside.

A woman was screaming. Her voice was wild and hysterical and—

Cole aimed his weapon.

…At Gia Eastman.

Because there was no one else in the room. Just Gia. A Gia who was wearing sexy lingerie, with red rose petals sprinkled all round her, and champagne chilling on the chipped nightstand beside her.

“Stop screaming,” Chase ordered her. “Can’t you tell that we’re here to save you?”

But save her…from what?

Gia stopped screaming, but her mouth hung open.

At that moment, James burst in from the bathroom.

She screamed again.

“Stop!” Cole lowered his gun and charged toward her. “Gia, what in the hell is happening?”

Her eyes were huge. “Where’s Harrison?”

“He’s safe, and you are, too.”

“Uh, yeah, buddy,” Chase muttered. “I’m getting the feeling she was always safe.” He inclined his head toward Gia. “Nice bustier. It matches your eyes.”

She snatched up the covers. “Harrison was supposed to come here. He was going to trade his life for mine.” She bit her lower lip. “Where’s Harrison?” Gia asked again.

For the second time, Cole told her, “He’s safe.” But he added, “He sent us to rescue you.”

One bare shoulder rolled in a little shrug. “But I wanted Harrison.” Her lower lip pulled into a pout. “He was going to prove that he still loved me.”

Cole’s temples throbbed.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” James sounded disgusted. “Hey, lady, over here.” He waved his hand.

Her stare whipped to him.

“Answer my question. Did you fake your own kidnapping?”


“Yes or no.”


“Fuck me.” James squeezed his eyes shut. “Why the hell would you do this? Why?”

“Because—because he would pay anything for Evie!” She jumped out of the bed. Wrapped the sheet around her body. “He would do anything for her, but I’m the one he was supposed to marry! If he still cared…he’d have to come to me.” Tears spilled from her eyes. “But he’s not here…”

Cole pulled out his phone and fired a quick text to Harrison. Gia is safe. Whole thing was fake. She wanted you here. Found her wearing a bustier and with champagne chilling.

He looked back at Gia. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”


“Evie is in danger. You took guards away from her while we tried to locate you. You screwed up our investigation because we were looking for you.”

Chapter Sixteen

I will lose my mind without her.

Evie’s phone vibrated. She looked down at the text from Cole.

Gia is safe. Kidnapping was a hoax. Will explain all soon.

Her breath left in a startled rush. When she glanced up, she saw that Harvey was looking at his phone, too. He’d probably gotten the same note.

Before she could speak to him, her phone rang. The familiar ring tone blared as her brother’s face flashed across the screen. She swiped her finger over the surface and put the phone to her ear. “Harrison.” Relief surged through her. “Did Cole tell you? Gia’s safe.”

“I’m not.” His voice was funny. Thick. Nervous.

She frowned as she paced toward her bedroom. “You’re not what?”


What? “Harrison?”

“Is anyone with you?”

She looked over her shoulder. Harvey happened to look up at the same moment. She gave him a quick smile then motioned toward her bedroom. Be right back, Evie mouthed. Evie hurried to the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

“I’m alone.” Technically, alone in her bedroom, not alone Copyright 2016 - 2024