Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,68

coughed. “She’ll be right out.” He’d hauled on his clothes seconds before James had pounded at the door. Because James had arrived within ten minutes. Not fifteen.

Cole backed up so that James could enter Evie’s place. Then he shut and secured the door, and Cole checked his weapon.

“Chase is waiting downstairs,” James informed him. “You two think this Demakis guy could be behind Gia’s abduction?”

He tucked the gun in his waistband. “I think he’s a problem.” One that Cole would fix.

A nod. “Our tech agents still monitoring Harrison’s phone lines?”

“Yeah, but there’s been no call yet.”

The bedroom door opened. His head swung toward it, and he saw Evie. Wet hair combed back. Face scrubbed clean. Skin gleaming. She wore faded jeans that hugged her legs, a loose top, and her black ballerina flats.

So fucking beautiful.

James cleared his throat. “Hate to tell you about your business, man, but you just stared at her for one solid minute without saying a word.”

He had not.

Wait, had he?

Dammit. “Evie, this is James.” He motioned toward the guy who was often his partner at Wilde. “He can be a dick, but he’s also one of the deadliest bastards I’ve ever met.”

Her eyes swept assessingly over James. “Is that…a good thing?”

Cole strode toward her. “Under these circumstances, it’s the absolute best thing in the world.” He caught her hand in his. Squeezed it. “He’ll keep you safe. No one is going to get past James.”

Her gaze searched his. “Why can’t I come with you? I’d like to question Robert, too. And I know him. I can read him better than you can.”

She had overheard part of his conversation with Chase. “It’s not safe, baby. He could have fed that intel to Leo hoping to draw you out. Until the situation is contained, I have to keep you covered.” He squeezed her hand. “Your safety matters most to me.” Nothing was more important than her staying safe. Alive. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers.

Cole turned away from Evie and headed for the door. He inclined his head toward James. “Guard her with your life.”

“You know I will,” James promised.


It was way too quiet.

James had shut the door and turned the alarm on right after Cole vanished. Now he was studying her in silence. His gaze swept over her slowly, and he looked oddly pleased with himself, as if he’d just solved some kind of puzzle.

“Um…” She cleared her throat. “So, were you Delta Force, like Cole? Former military, then you joined Wilde?”

He burst out laughing. “Oh, dear Lord, no.” A pause. “I was an assassin.”

Her lips parted. She couldn’t quite manage a response. Was there a polite response to a statement like that? Good for you didn’t seem appropriate.

He smiled at her. “So don’t worry. If any perps try to get you, I’ll stop them. I’m very, very good at killing.”

“That is…” She choked down the lump that had risen in her throat. “Great to know. Thanks so much.”

“Does that make you feel better?”

“Is it supposed to?”

He shrugged. “Figured it couldn’t make you feel worse.”



“You can’t barge in here!” The assistant—a young guy with lots of hair gel and a pressed suit—shoved his hand against Cole’s chest. “Mr. Demakis has a meeting scheduled soon, and you cannot just burst in and—”

“It’s okay, Clyde.” Robert Demakis rose from his desk. He tapped his white ear piece and seemingly ended a call as he stood. “I can handle them.”

Chase smiled. “Thanks, Clyde. You go have a nice day.”

Clyde glared, but hurried from the office.

Robert surveyed first Cole, then Chase. “Hello, gentlemen. I’d like to pretend that I’m surprised to see you, but…I’m not. After last night’s events, I figured you’d be paying me a visit.” He lifted his hands and held them, palms out, in front of his body. “But let me begin by saying I had absolutely nothing to do with Evie’s abduction. I consider her a friend, and I would never do anything to hurt her.”

Chase and Cole exchanged a long look.

“Good to know,” Cole assured him as he focused back on Robert. “But what about Gia Eastman?”

“Yes,” Chase pushed. “Is she a friend, too?”

“Gia? Why, yes, she is.” Robert lowered his hands.

Chase nodded. “A friend with benefits? Is that what you’d call it?”

Robert’s cheeks puffed out. “I don’t know what—”

Chase slapped a large, brown envelope onto Robert’s desk. “Security photos from last night. You paid Gia Eastman a visit around three a.m.”

Robert didn’t look down at Copyright 2016 - 2024