Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,64

stealing her breath and making her eyes squeeze shut.

He came with her. Surged deep and shuddered. He roared her name and drove his hips against her.

Her sex kept squeezing him. Hard, tight aftershocks of release pulsed through her. She didn’t want the moment to end. If she had her way, they’d stay exactly like this. They wouldn’t move. They’d be together. Everything would be perfect.


The world wasn’t perfect. She’d learned that long ago.

And you couldn’t just hide from the bad things out there.

Evie slowly lifted her lashes. She caught him staring down at her, and in that one moment, his expression was unguarded. So tender. Filled with so much love.

He loves me. It wasn’t some smooth line. Cole wasn’t really the type for smooth lines. He truly loved her.

He bent his head and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “How’s your throat?”

How was what? Oh, right, her throat.

He withdrew. Reluctantly, Evie lowered her legs back to the bed. He eased away from her as he rolled to the side of the mattress and sat up. When she didn’t answer his question, though, his head swung back to her. “Evie?”

“I forgot it was even injured.” She was sure she could take off the bandage. It had barely been a wound at all. So small. Her little injury hardly seemed important.

Cole was cut. Over and over again. And he’d said that he woke from nightmares, crying out for her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

His brow furrowed.

“When you called for me,” she added. “I’ll be there next time.” Because next time, nothing was going to keep her from him. Nothing. No one.

He smiled at her, and the smile was warm and slow, and it made her smile back at him. Despite what was happening, she felt happy.

“Hold that thought.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. “I’ll be right back.”

He probably needed to ditch the condom. Check. She watched him walk away, admired the view, and called, “You’ll have to tell me how condoms wound up in my nightstand. I’m super appreciative, but…also, assume much?”

He froze at the bathroom door. “I thought you put them in there.” His shoulders stiffened.

“Nope.” She hadn’t exactly had time for a condom run.

“Chase,” he groaned.

Her eyebrows climbed. “Chase?”

“I’m sure the dumbass thought he was being helpful.”

She considered things. He had been helpful. And all up in their business. But helpful. So, ah—her phone rang, distracting her. It vibrated on her night stand. She grabbed it and automatically checked the screen. “It’s Leo.” Evie winced. Oh, crap. She knew he’d been somewhere in the crush of people at the charity gala, but she hadn’t talked to him. He was always a social butterfly at those things. He thrived on attention while she tended to wilt.

She was sure he’d heard the story of her abduction. “I should talk to him.” Leo in panic mode wouldn’t be good.

Cole nodded before he headed into the bathroom.

Evie put the phone to her ear. “Leo, I’m fine. I promise.”

“What in the hell happened? I heard you were kidnapped!”

She winced. “I’m sorry. I should have called you.”

“Damn straight you should have called me! I think I lost five years of my life worrying about you!”

“I’m okay. I was taken last night, but Cole tracked me. I’m good.”


“Uh, Leo?” He was never silent.

“He saved the day, huh? Good old hero.”

He didn’t sound excited—or impressed. Her shoulders stiffened even as she yanked up the covers. Suddenly, being naked didn’t feel so awesome. “He did save me.”

“I read in the news that he shot the guy who’d taken you. Your Cole killed him.”

“The man was going to kill me.”

His shuddering breath filled her ear. “Evie…I was starting to be team Cole, too, but I’ve been told some things…”

Everyone always gave Leo the best gossip. And, sometimes, the worst. “You know you can’t believe everything you hear.”

“I’m worried about you,” he added.

Some of the stiffness eased from her shoulders. “I’m okay. Really. I’m safe. Cole is here.”

As if on cue, Cole walked out of the bathroom. Stood in the doorway.

“Here…as in…he’s there right now?”

Why did Leo sound so worried?

“Yes, he’s here now.”

“Evie, do not tell him what I say next.”


“You’re in danger, Evie.”

Well, yes, she knew that. Thus the protection detail from Cole and the other Wilde agents—

“He’s dangerous.”

Now her shoulders were tense again. “You don’t know him. He would never hurt me.” And I don’t know who has been giving you this gossip but—

“Shit, shit! Can he hear you?”

He could. Cole was frowning at Copyright 2016 - 2024