Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,44

that he could feel her. The darkness of her eyes seemed to burn with a thousand emotions, and he stepped toward her before he could stop himself.

“I’ll be staying, too,” Chase piped in. “But, ahem, I’ll be stationed outside the building to keep an eye on the perimeter. You know, in case you should need me.”

She swallowed. “And the man on the motorcycle?”

“Ghost?” A low laugh spilled from Chase. “Don’t worry. He’s around, even when you don’t see him.”

“Ghost? But Cole said his name was James.”

“James is his name. Ghost is just a codename we use for him sometimes.” That wasn’t the moment to tell her exactly how the former assassin had earned the nickname of Ghost.

Evie’s arms hugged her body. Her focus was on him. “I thought I was safe. You were right outside the bathroom door. I was only a few feet away from you.”

She was a few feet away from him now. Too far. He wanted her in his arms.

“I didn’t even have a chance to call out for you.”

He took another lurching step toward her. He should stay away, he knew he should stay away, but he felt pulled toward her. And if he got his hands on her, if he touched her…

My emotions are out of control. I can’t hold back. I want to grab her and never let go.

If he touched her, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

“When Cole realized you were missing, he kicked in the door to that bathroom. All bad-ass-like.” Chase was still talking. Why was Chase still there? “And he burned rubber to save you, but you got yourself out of that trunk. Well done, Evie.”

Cole choked down the lump in his throat. “Damn well done.”

Her gaze fell. “No one would help me.”

Rage twisted in his gut.

“I was begging for help, but the cars kept passing me by.”

He wanted to destroy something.

“Then…after…after the man was shot…those people—they were all just watching. Filming me on their phones. Like it was some kind of show for them.” Her breath shuddered out. “Why is this happening? Why do they keep coming for me?”

He saw a tear slide down her cheek.

That’s fucking it.

“Chase,” he barked.

“Yeah, man?”

“Get your ass out.” He didn’t look away from Evie. Her head bowed forward. Her shoulders hunched more. She was crying, and it was ripping him apart.

Chase coughed. “Getting my ass out.” His steps thudded for the door. A moment later, the door shut. Cole heard the flip of the lock.

He should go set the security system. He’d gotten an upgraded system for her when she’d been working at the studio with Leopold.

Go set the system. Then…

Get her.

His steps were wooden as he moved away from her. His back turned to Evie as he armed the security system, then he flipped a few more of her dead-bolts. She’d had the dead-bolts before the Wilde crew came to work their magic. He knew she’d had them because she’d been afraid that someone would come for her again.

And someone did.

His hand rose and flattened against the wood of her door. “Do you want a drink?” Or maybe several? He’d seen wine in her kitchen.

But, hell, she’d been knocked out, so wine probably wasn’t—

“That’s not what I want.”

He didn’t turn toward her. “Are you still crying?”


His eyes squeezed shut. “That’s a damn yes, isn’t it?”

“It’s been a really bad night. So, yes, I’m crying a little bit and—”

His control shattered. He spun toward her.

Evie’s eyes widened as she stared at his face. He could only imagine how savage he looked, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.

There were tear tracks on her cheeks. Freaking tear tracks. On her beautiful face. There was a bandage on the delicate column of her throat…because that bastard put his blade to her neck.

“I wish I could kill him again.” His voice was barely human.

She shook her head in a frantic no movement.

He stalked to her. His hands fisted at his sides. “But I do, Evie. He hurt you, and that drives me insane.”

“You killed to protect me.”

“I could have fucking shot him in the shoulder.” His words were guttural. His steps slow but certain. She stiffened as he approached. “I’m a very good shot, and I hit what I want.” He’d wanted the guy’s heart.

Because he tried to take mine.

She backed up until her shoulders hit the wall. Fear flashed in her gaze, blocking out all the other emotions.

“You should be afraid,” he warned. “You should have been afraid of me from the very Copyright 2016 - 2024