Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,4

rocked through her and she could only close her eyes and shudder as the pleasure took her. Cole was with her, every second, as he thrust hard into her once more, then roared her name.

The mad drumming of her heartbeat slowly faded. Her eyes opened, and she blinked. He was above her, staring at her with his amazing eyes.

She should smile for him.

And she would, right after she recovered a bit more. Yes, after that recovery, she’d smile. For the moment, though, she was going to focus on breathing. In and out. Trying to get a nice and easy flow of air. Not so desperate and heaving.

But as he gazed down at her, Evie realized that she couldn’t read his expression. He did that, too often. Slipped behind his mask. She just hadn’t expected to see his mask, not while they were in bed together.

He withdrew from her. She resisted the urge to hold him tight.

“I’ll be right back.” His voice was different. Stilted.

A shiver slid over her. She sat up, grabbed for the covers that they’d pushed to the edge of the bed, and pulled them over her body. She still wore her bra. They hadn’t gotten around to taking it off, and she had no idea where her panties were. Maybe across the room?

He was in the bathroom. She could hear water running. A moment later, the door opened. He stood there, those broad shoulders of his filling the doorway. He stared at her.

She shivered again.

Was the temperature dropping or something?

He didn’t move. Just stood there. Kept staring at her. He also kept wearing his mask, so she could not figure out what he was thinking.

The silence stretched. Her fingers knotted around the covers. She was—

“Do you want me to sleep on the floor?”

Evie blinked. The floor? When they’d first moved into the suite, he’d tried sleeping on the couch in the outer room, but she’d screamed in the middle of the night. A nightmare where she’d been trapped in the closet again. He’d run into the bedroom to make sure she was all right. Then he’d hunkered down on the floor beside the bed, telling her that he’d stay close in case she needed him.

Every night since then, he’d slept on the floor near her bed.


Did she want him on the floor again? “No.” Evie knew exactly where she wanted Cole to be. With me.

He gave a crisp, hard nod. Cole stalked toward the bed. Stopped near the mattress. “I…” He stopped. Sucked in a breath. “I’d like to hold you tonight.”

And the heart that had been racing so hard in her chest—it warmed. “I’d like that very much.” She lifted the covers. Slid a bit to the side. Made room for him.

He eased in beside her. His body was all stiff and tense.

She snuggled up against him anyway. She put her head on his chest, right over his heart. It was racing fast. Faster than she’d expected. She closed her eyes as she felt him adjust the cover over them both.

She was warm, she was safe, and she’d just had phenomenal sex. Fear hadn’t stopped her. She’d gone after what she wanted, and the results had been outstanding. Way to seize the day. Um, night. She was replete and boneless. And snuggled next to the man who’d slid his way right into her heart. With her eyes closed, she murmured, “Thank you…for saving me.”

He was stroking her hair. She rather enjoyed that tender touch from him.

But at her words, he paused. “Did you…just give me thank you sex?”

“Don’t be an idiot.” She didn’t bother opening her eyes. “I had sex with you because I think I’m falling in love with you.” Sleep pulled at her. He kept stroking her hair. She was warm and safe and happy…and soon she was sleeping.

In his arms. Her new favorite place to be.


Cole stared up at the ceiling. With his right hand, he kept stroking Evie’s hair. Her soft, silken hair. With his left, he reached out and turned off the lamp.

She hadn’t meant her final words. There was no way she’d meant what she said.

Evie didn’t know him. She wasn’t falling in love with him.

They wanted each other, yes. The attraction had been undeniable. He pretty much looked at Evie, and he got hard.

It was those soft chocolate eyes. Big and dark and deep. Those full, plump lips. Her long, long legs. It was…


She didn’t love him. She didn’t know him. He was a shadow who’d swept into her Copyright 2016 - 2024