Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,39

lovely Evie in two years. Maybe you’re missing out on a few important details about what has been happening in her life.”

Harrison was making his way through the crowd. Going for Evie. He closed in on her as she spoke with Robert. He reached out for her. Curled his hand around her hip and brought her in for a hug.

“Huh,” Cole said.

“Now you sound like Chase.”

Harrison glanced across the room. Made eye contact with Cole. He was still touching Evie.

Cole had tried to set the man straight when he’d first entered the ballroom. Seemed like someone hadn’t gotten the hint.

It was also time to figure just what the relationship was between Harrison and Evie. Step-siblings. Or something more?

It had better not be fucking more.


“You okay?”

Cole was in front of her again. Glowering. He seemed to be doing that a whole lot.

Her brother had slipped away right before Cole approached, and Robert had also vanished somewhere in the crowd.

Okay? She thought of Cole’s question, and decided that no, she really wasn’t okay. Far from it. “Can we leave soon?” They’d done their job. Gone in, acted like a couple, even talked to his suspects. The knot in her stomach was getting worse with every moment that passed. These events weren’t really her scene, she’d just gone because Harrison had helped to organize things—his company, but all the funds raised were going to her charity pick. Because of that, not attending hadn’t been an option for her.

“We can leave whenever you want.”

Her shoulders sagged. “Let me hit the restroom, and we’re out of here.” Out of the tight dress and the shoes that made her feet ache. Back to her place where she intended to put on yoga pants and a loose top at the first available opportunity.

She turned through the crowd and made a beeline for the bathroom.

It took her a moment to realize that Cole was tailing her. She stopped a few feet away from the bathroom door and raked her gaze over him. “I’m okay on my own in there.”

He blinked.

“You…weren’t planning on following me in, were you?”

Did he flush? A little? “No.”

“You were.”

He winked. “I was just going to watch the door, promise.”

Jeez, his wink was sexy. “I’ll be right back.” Shaking her head, Evie hurried inside. She passed one lady as she made her way to the sink and—

“Hi, Evie.”

Gia Eastman stood there. Almost as if she’d been waiting for Evie.

“Hi, Gia.”

As usual, Gia was drop dead gorgeous. Her long, dark hair slid over her shoulders and her pale eyes gleamed. The dress she wore hugged and accentuated every curve of her body.

Gia had plenty of curves, too. Curves Evie couldn’t help but envy. Evie knew she was on the smaller side when it came to her breasts, she had a light, delicate build—a ballerina dancer’s body, she’d once been told. Men didn’t tend to drool over her.

They drooled over Gia.

And Harrison was thinking about marrying her? He’d never said a word to Evie.

“Noticed you were with someone new tonight.” Gia smiled at her. The smile didn’t warm her eyes. “Surprised Harrison let the guy within five feet of you.”

Evie hurried toward the sink. Washed her hands. Robert had accidentally spilled a little of his champagne on her, and she’d wanted to get the stickiness off her hands—that had caused her beeline for the bathroom. “Harrison likes Cole.”

A throaty laugh. “He finally found someone good enough for his sister? I’m impressed.”

Evie looked up and caught Gia’s reflection in the mirror. “He didn’t find Cole.”

Gia’s head tilted. “Your brother has been avoiding me.”

Evie turned off the water. Dried her hands.

“Do you have any idea why?”

“No.” Evie spun around to face her. “Do you?”

“It was a mistake,” Gia suddenly snapped. “We all make them. Even precious Harrison. Remind him of that fact, will you?”

Then she stormed away.

Evie blinked. Well, okay. She glanced around the bathroom. No one else was there. Hell, she might as well use a stall while she was inside.

She made her way to the left—

And all of the lights plunged off in the bathroom.


“Hi, there.” Gia Eastman strolled from the ladies’ room and put her hand on Cole’s chest. “I don’t think we’ve met.”

He lifted one eyebrow. “No, I don’t think we have.”

She gave him a slow, flirtatious smile. “I’m Gia, and I’m bored.”

“I’m Cole, and I’m waiting for someone.”

She laughed. “A man like you shouldn’t have to wait.”

“And just what kind of man am I?”

She leaned onto her toes. Her lips were painted a dark, Copyright 2016 - 2024