Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,33

sleeves. Do you have a wrap or—”

“I’ll be fine once we’re inside. The crowd will keep the room warm.”

Silence. Then… “You’re nervous.”

“Why would I be nervous? I mean, I’m just heading into a party with over five hundred people. A giant crush that you told me already was a security nightmare, and the bad guys could have slipped inside. No biggie.”

A very biggie.

“I have something for you. As a precaution…”

He pulled something out of his pocket. A black jewelry box. Not a ring box, but a long and lean, velvet box, and when he opened it, she saw the glitter of diamonds on the bracelet that waited inside. It looked expensive as hell. “That’s a precaution?”

“There’s a tracker hidden in one of the diamonds. As long as you’re wearing this bracelet, Wilde can find you.” He circled the bracelet around her wrist. “I can find you. Anywhere you go.”

The bracelet felt cold against her skin. “It’s beautiful. Ah, for a tracker.”

“The other diamonds are all real. Only one is fake.”

She lifted her wrist. The diamonds sparkled. “This seems like very expensive tech.”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes. It does.” That brought her back to another point. “You aren’t paying for my security.”

He looked down at the glowing dial of his watch. “We don’t have much time. There’s something else I need to discuss with you.”

“Uh, what you’re trying to do is distract me, but I’m telling you—”

He tilted his head. Focused on her. “Several suspects will be at the event tonight. Wilde techs found some disturbing ties between a few of the guests and your family, and I need you to be on guard with these people.”

A fist squeezed her heart. “What people?”

“Robert Demakis.”

“Robert?” He was familiar to her. “He’s a great director. I’ve worked with him before and he wants me to work with him again on his next—”

“Your step-father bankrupted Robert’s parents.”


“Seems that, once upon a time, his parents and your step-father were good friends. Your step-father convinced them to invest in a real estate opportunity—promised them huge returns—but the property turned out to be worthless. A freaking swamp. They lost everything.”

The thud of her heart seemed very heavy. “He never mentioned that to me.”

“Gia Eastman.”

“The artist? What has my family ever done to—”

“According to my sources, she and your brother had quite a volatile relationship.”

That was news to her. “Harrison was involved with Gia? When?”

“At the time of your abduction, they were together. According to Gia’s friends, she was even hinting they might become engaged. Then you vanished. When you returned, Harrison broke off the relationship with her.”

She shook her head. “I-I didn’t know.” Harrison had never mentioned Gia to her.

“Two years ago, Harrison was supposed to invest in her new gallery, but he withdrew funds for it. The gallery didn’t open, and she also lost several other investors.”

The news was just sucking more and more. “Anyone else I need to know about?”

“One more person we know who will be at the party. He ever so helpfully RSVP’d.”

She waited.

“Stephen Lowe.”

Now she stiffened. That name was familiar. “He and Harrison were bidding on the same project about a month ago. But—”

“But your brother outbid him. Got the deal. Made millions. What wasn’t common knowledge—and still isn’t—is that Stephen’s company is barely staying alive. He needs an infusion of cash, and he needs it now.”

“An infusion…” She licked her lower lip. The kind of infusion you could get from a kidnapping? When she’d been taken in LA, the kidnappers had demanded five million dollars. “I really don’t want to go to this party.”

“Then let’s turn the limo around and head the hell back home.”

Her lips parted. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.” He was already leaning toward the privacy window so he could talk to the driver. “You don’t want to go, then we don’t go.”

She grabbed his arm. “But isn’t this a chance for us to try and draw out the bad guys, especially since you already seem to have three suspects lined up for us tonight?”

“It is.” His muscles felt so tight beneath her touch. “But if you aren’t comfortable, we don’t go in. Hell, I didn’t want you in there anyway, so—”

“I’m going in.” She was definite. Her hand slid away from him. “I want this over. If we can make progress on this case by going in there and parading in front of our suspects, then I’m doing it.” She forced a laugh. “I’m scared, all right? But the fear won’t stop me. I’ll do it.” She squared her Copyright 2016 - 2024