Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,18

not to think too much about the whole cut her into pieces part. If she thought about that, she’d freak the hell out. But now these other words from her step-brother made her think… “You forced Cole to take this job?”

How humiliating. Oh, God. Cole hadn’t wanted to come back. He’d done it because Harrison had forced him to take the job. Her step-brother had made her ex come back to protect her. And here she’d thought that the day couldn’t get any worse.

“Don’t look at me like that, Evie. I needed someone you trusted,” Harrison blurted. “You don’t let people get close to you. I mean, you act like you do, but we both know you put up a wall.” He pointed toward Cole. “Except you didn’t do it with him. Your life is on the line. I couldn’t leave your safety in just anyone’s hands.”

She could feel her face burning. He’d paid her ex to watch her. Wonderful.

“I want to talk to Evie,” Cole announced. His voice was low and hard and menacing. “Alone.”

Harrison’s mouth opened.

“Alone. We need to clear the air about a few things before anything else happens. This is a non-negotiable point. That means, Harrison, I want you and Chase to get your asses out of this room. Now.”

Chase rose. Headed toward Harrison and clapped him on the shoulder. “How about you take me on a quick tour of your place? Just so you know, I prefer tours that begin in areas that house alcohol. So if you’ve got some old whiskey, start me there.”

Harrison frowned at him. “But…you’re working.”

Another clap on the shoulder. “Didn’t say I was drinking. Said that was where I wanted to start the tour.” He peered over at Cole. “Let me know when the private chat time is done.”

Harrison and Chase filed out, but her step-brother didn’t look happy.

Not like she was thrilled with the situation, either.

She could also not just keep sitting on the couch like everything was all casual and easy. Evie surged to her feet. “I’m sorry.” She hurried toward the floor to ceiling windows. Stared out at the city but didn’t see a thing. “If Harrison had told me that he was going to you, I would have stopped him. I would have told Harrison that he should never have forced you back to me.” Jeez. That humiliation cut deep.

“That what you think happened? Your step-brother made me come back to you?”

There was something in his voice…A bitterness. No, more than that. Anger?

She turned toward him. “Isn’t that what happened?”

Chapter Three

Or…hell, no, I wasn’t forced back. When you’re in danger, nothing can keep me away from you. I’m kinda obsessed that way. Let’s all deal with it.

“Didn’t my brother make you come back?”

He knew that he had to tread very, very damn carefully. Because just from those few minutes of conversation that had involved jackass Harrison White, Cole had realized that the man had been keeping secrets from Evie. Cole wasn’t just thinking about the fact that Harrison hadn’t told Evie that he’d gone to Wilde in order to hire Cole.

No…he was thinking about…

About the time I came back to New York. Told Harrison I wanted his sister.

And he said that if I ever came near her again, he’d tell her all the dark and dirty details from my past. That he’d make it so that she’d never want me near her again.

But when Harrison could use those “dark and dirty” parts of Cole, he’d sure been quick enough to call.

Cole had never found Evie to be particularly standoffish with anyone. In fact, she’d been the opposite. At least with me. She’d been warm and open, and she’d drawn him to her before he’d ever thought of holding himself back.

So while Harrison had been bullshitting about that part, Cole knew he’d been serious when Harrison said that he couldn’t leave Evie’s safety in just anyone’s hands.

He knows I will do anything to keep her safe.

Because Harrison knew exactly how Cole felt about Evie.

Or, the bastard thought he knew.

“Cole? You haven’t answered me, and I’d appreciate your honesty.” Her hands twisted in front of her body. “If he forced you to be here, I’m sorry.”

She was apologizing to him? Hell, no. He stalked forward until he’d eliminated the distance between them. She tipped back her head and stared into his eyes.

“Never apologize to me.” His words were rasped. “I’m a selfish, controlling bastard, and I’m the one who should apologize to you.”

She shook her head—

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