The Countess Page 0,84


Christiana managed a smile despite her reservations, and he urged her into the room. "I shal send up Grace and your chest. Take your time. I'm sure Cook wil need a bit of time to get the meal on the table."

He then pul ed the door closed, leaving her alone in the master bedroom.

Christiana sighed and glanced around as she moved further into the room.

She had never been in it before. When she and George had stopped on the way into London she'd been given the connecting room next door and never stepped foot in the room. She'd also cried herself to sleep wondering why George had been so short with her that day and why he hadn't come to her that night. She'd cried herself to sleep many nights during the first six months of their marriage wondering the same thing. Shaking those memories away, she walked around the room, looking over everything curiously as she waited for Grace. It seemed to take forever for the woman to arrive with two footmen in tow carrying Christiana's chest. Despite Richard's tel ing her to take her time, she was quick about her ablutions and change of clothes. Even so, Suzette was stepping out of her room when Christiana left the master bedroom to head downstairs.

"I feel better," Suzette commented as the two of them started toward the stairs.

"As do I," Christiana murmured.

"I'm not looking forward to the ride back to town though."

"I'm sorry about this, Suzie," Christiana said. "I know you cannot welcome this delay. Perhaps you and Daniel should continue on to Gretna Green and leave us to deal with this other business."

"As if we would," Suzette said dryly and shook her head as they started down the stairs. "No, this is more urgent. We have some time yet. If things drag on and it's necessary, Daniel and I can travel through the night, stopping only to change horses. We could make the journey to Gretna in a couple days that way and be back just as quickly. So as long as we do not delay much more than a week we should be able to make the two-week deadline Father was given."

"Thank you," Christiana murmured and wondered if Suzette's marrying Daniel was even necessary anymore. Richard had said he'd make up for what his brother had done. Did that include paying off the gambling debt? He hadn't said so specifical y, and he also hadn't said anything to suggest Suzette and Daniel needn't marry to gain the dower and pay the debt, but things had been a bit chaotic and confusing since the night of the bal . Perhaps he just hadn't had the chance to say anything. Or even think about it real y. She would have to broach the subject with him the first chance she got just to be sure, Christiana decided. She didn't wish to see Suzette forced into marriage, even if on her own terms, if there was no need.

"Wait for me!" Lisa cried out, suddenly appearing at the top of the stairs behind them. "I don't know where the dining room is."

Suzette and Christiana paused, smiling at their younger sister as she rushed down to join them and then the trio headed up the hal to the dining room. Christiana had expected Richard and the other men to be there, entertaining the pastor when they arrived, so was a bit surprised to find Reverend Bertrand standing al by himself, peering out a window when they entered.

"Sorry we took so long," Christiana murmured as she glanced back up the empty hal in search of her husband.

"Not at al ," the pastor said at once, beaming at them as he turned from the window. "You are al three wel worth the wait." Moving toward the table, he began to pul out a chair and suggested, "Shal we sit down? I believe the meal is ready and the servants were merely waiting for your arrival to serve."

Christiana felt her eyes narrow at the words. "What about the men?"

"Ah." Reverend Bertrand, pul ed out a second chair and moved on to do the same with a third before saying, "They wished me to explain that they felt they could travel more swiftly with just the one carriage and thought you might be more comfortable waiting here with your maids while they dealt with matters in town."

"They left?" Suzette snapped with disbelief.

"Er . . . yes," he admitted, looking uncomfortable.

Christiana turned on her heel and started out Copyright 2016 - 2024