The Countess Page 0,82

the room.

Apparently the servants had thought Richard had meant them too when he'd said everyone and every last one of them, including Grace and Christiana's sisters'

maids, were now crammed into the room as wel .

Clearing his throat, Richard said apologetical y, "I didn't mean - "

"It's al right," Reverend Bertrand interrupted and then stepped to Richard's side and smiled at everyone. "The Earl and Countess would like to renew their vows and be married again to each other and you are al going to be witnesses."

A buzz went around the servants and Suzette immediately moved to Christiana's side to whisper worriedly, "Wil it be legal now?"

"I think so," Christiana whispered back.

Both women gave a start as the pastor turned and whispered, "Yes, my dear lady, it wil . The banns were read, and the license issued for the original wedding between Richard Fairgrave and Christiana Madison . . . and handily the license was right here in the office. Apparently, it was left here for safekeeping when you stopped on the way to London. We wil carry out the ceremony in the church here at Radnor in front of several witnesses. Once the ceremony is over and we, as wel as witnesses, sign the marriage register in the church, it wil most definitely be legal."

Christiana smiled uncertainly at the man and then gave a start as Richard took her arm. "Shal we?"

"Yes, of course," Christiana murmured, but felt some trepidation as he urged her to fol ow the pastor, who was making his way through the now parting people in the room. She was going to be married . . . Again. It hadn't been that long since Christiana had vowed to herself that she would never marry again and yet here she was doing it, and while she knew they had to for several very good reasons, not least of which was that she might even now be carrying Richard's child, she couldn't help worrying that it would be her first marriage al over again. That the moment the ceremony was over, Richard, like George before him, would suddenly find her wanting and turn from the considerate kind man he'd proven to be, to a critical, cold stranger. The thought was a depressing one and she felt more like she was being led to the gal ows than to a wedding as they fol owed Reverend Bertrand out of the house and to the chapel with her sisters, Daniel, Robert and every last Radnor servant fol owing.

Richard, on the other hand, didn't appear to be suffering the same misgivings, Christiana noted, glancing at him from under her lashes. He was rushing along, nearly treading on the pastor's heels in his eagerness to get to the church. Weren't men supposed to be the reluctant ones when it came to weddings?

"Here we are." Reverend Bertrand led them to the altar in the smal church and busied himself positioning Christiana and Richard where he wanted them, then took a moment to arrange everyone else before rushing off to col ect his bible. He was back almost before Christiana could take a breath. The service was a blur for Christiana and she gave her responses automatical y without real y taking in what she was saying. Her mind was on the worry of what would happen once it was done. In that state, she was taken rather by surprise when it ended, even giving a start when Richard kissed her. Before she could gather herself enough to kiss him back, he was straightening and urging her to fol ow the pastor to sign the marriage register. Christiana signed first, her hand shaking as she did, and then she stepped back to make room for Richard to sign and found herself surrounded by her sisters and the servants, al offering congratulations. She managed to smile and nod in response, but was distracted by the panic that wanted to claim her. She noticed that Daniel and Robert signed as witnesses, then the three men put their heads together with the pastor. She wondered what they were talking about when he suddenly nodded and then Richard turned to make his way to her as the pastor clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"We shal go back to the house now and eat the fine meal Cook prepared for the arrival of the Earl and Countess and their guests. Come along. Let us head back to the house."

Richard took her arm as the servants al began to Copyright 2016 - 2024