The Countess Page 0,64

to understand that and gave Grace a nod of respect. "You are right. I am the one who decided last night that I would let the marriage stand." He turned to Christiana. "I had no idea you were stil a virgin at the time, but I did know the marriage probably wasn't legal and that you were somewhat the worse for drink. I never should have al owed the situation to progress as it did."

Christiana stared at him wide-eyed. Dicky had never taken responsibility for his actions or faults. He had always blamed any mistake made or insult given on someone else, usual y her. As far as she could tel he'd blamed her for everything from his stumbling over his own feet to the rain fal ing.

"Wel , what are you going to do about it, my lord?" Grace asked abruptly when Christiana just continued to stare at the man.

"We shal have another ceremony to ensure it is legal," he announced solemnly.

"We can tel everyone we wish to renew our vows to explain the need for it."

"Wel , thank God for that." Grace stood abruptly and headed for the door. "I'd best go down and tel Langley and Lisa you are fine."

"Tel them she's fine?" Richard asked with a frown.

Grace nodded. "You've been up here a long time. Young Robert was worried, so I offered to check and be sure she was al right and report back."

Christiana saw a shaft of irritation flash across Richard's face, but he merely grunted and waited for the maid to leave. The moment the door closed behind her, he glanced to Christiana and gave a wry, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't ask if you were wil ing to al ow the marriage to stand. Are you wil ing? Wil you marry me?"

She blinked in surprise, both at the apology and his comment. Christiana wasn't used to such consideration. Besides, it wasn't as if she had much choice in the matter. They had already consummated the marriage, legal or not.

Apparently taking her hesitation for reluctance, Richard knelt before her and took her hands in his. "I have heard enough to realize the last year with George has been hard. But I promise you I am not like him. I wil be a good husband to you. I wil

- "

Christiana brought his words to an end by covering his mouth with her hand.

When he frowned around her fingers and raised his eyebrows, she sighed and said,

"Dicky made - I mean George. George made me many promises before we married about the wonderful husband he would be and the glorious life we would have together . . . and he broke every one. I would rather you not make promises, my lord. Lies are easily spoken. Actions are real y more tel ing."

"Very wel . No promises," Richard agreed when she let her hand drop away from his mouth. "But you haven't answered my question. Do you wish to let the marriage stand and hold the ceremony again?"

Christiana smiled wryly at the question. His first questions, Are you willing? And Will you marry me? would have been easier to answer. She had little choice real y if she wished to avoid scandal. But his Do you wish to let the marriage stand and hold the ceremony again? was much more complicated. Christiana was so confused at that point she didn't know what she wished for.

Certainly Richard seemed much nicer than George, but despite what they had done in this room last night he was virtual y a stranger to her, and George had seemed nice prior to the wedding as wel . How was she to know if Richard might not turn into a control ing and critical monster the moment the vows were repeated as wel ? She couldn't, and was afraid to trust that he wouldn't and be hurt again as she had by George, for truly that had been the worst thing about the way he'd treated her, her sense of betrayal and hurt that the man who had claimed to love her had then treated her so cruel y. At least she would have the nights to look forward to this time , some part of her mind pointed out and Christiana glanced away from Richard with a blush at the thought. It was no smal consolation. Her memories of the pleasure they'd shared were vivid and glorious. Christiana supposed she would just have to hope that was not the Copyright 2016 - 2024