The Countess Page 0,39

Christiana's room. He had known she would be awake, of course. After al , Lisa had just left.

Perhaps it was because of that he'd expected to find her stil ful y clothed and up, perhaps chatting with her maid. However, a quick glance around the room revealed no maid, and he wondered when the servant had left.

When a soft gasp sounded from his left, Richard turned to spot Christiana in the bed. She popped up into a sitting position at once, and gaped at him with a combination of horror and surprise similar to the expression she'd had on her face at the bal . It seemed obvious he was the last person she'd expect to see here in her room which seemed odd since she thought him her husband. Before he could consider that too deeply, his attention turned to the fact that her bed coverings had slipped to reveal the bodice of her nightgown, a lovely lacy, rose confection that made her slim figure seem ful er. Al thought pretty much stopped right then and it wasn't until she grabbed the blanket and yanked it up to cover herself that his brain began to function again, although his thoughts were a little slow, as if moving through molasses.

Finding himself unable to turn away from the vision she made, he began to move sideways in the direction of the door to the master bedroom, murmuring a pained,


When she raised her eyebrows, he realized a little more than "Ah" was required here, and managed, "Sorry, just passing through. My door is locked. The other one I mean, the one that leads to the hal . So I'm using this one."

"Oh." Christiana's eyes widened slightly, and then she began to push the linens and blankets aside. "Shuzie has the key to your door. I'l get it."

"No, no," Richard put his hands up in alarm and began to move a little more swiftly, sidling toward the door like a scrabbling crab as more and more of her in the real y very attractive gown was revealed. "I'l just go this way. It's fine. You just - "

Richard stopped protesting, and rushed forward to catch her as she started to get out of bed, tangled one foot in the bed covers and pitched forward. Fortunately, he reached her in time to prevent her tumbling to the floor, and caught her against his chest instead. He then moved back enough to ask, "Are you al right?"

Christiana stared silently up into his face, a rather dazed look on her own and he found his attention focusing on her lips, noting that they were ful and slightly parted as if awaiting a kiss. He had the sudden mad urge to do just that, press his lips over hers and slide his tongue out to explore her mouth. He may even have fol owed through on that urge had the strong odor of whiskey not reached his nose. It then struck him that she'd slurred her sister's name and he suddenly remembered the conversation he'd heard while hiding in the room up the hal with Daniel. The women had been talking about some drink or drinks Langley had given Christiana. Hard liquor. The woman was soused.

"Can I see your bottom now?"

Richard blinked at the bizarre request. "What?"

"Did I say that aloud?" she asked with a frown.

A surprised laugh slipped from Richard's lips, and he eased her gently away. "I believe it may be best if you got back in bed, my lady."

"I'l show you yours if you show me mine," she offered, and then tilted her head and muttered, "I think I said that wrong."

"Yes, wel ," Richard hesitated, an image rising up in his mind of her turning, and yanking her nightgown up. Oddly enough, it was a tempting offer. Giving his head a shake, he urged her toward the bed. "I managed to translate and while it is a most kind offer, I fear I am going to have to refuse it."

She gave a long sigh, "It always works with Lisa."

That brought him to a halt. His voice was choked when he asked, "You and your sister look at each other's bottoms?"

"No, our embroidery," she said with exasperation, "Why would I want to see her bottom?"

"I have no idea," he admitted weakly.

She muttered something under her breath that sounded like "Dumb Earl Dicky"

and crawled onto the bed now of her own accord, her silk-covered bottom waving briefly in front of him before she twisted to Copyright 2016 - 2024