The Countess Page 0,31

," Suzette said dryly. "Just the thought of seeing Dicky naked makes me nauseous."

"Not al of Dicky, just his bottom," Christiana assured her earnestly. "I have to find the strawberry."

"I think you'd have more luck finding strawberries in the kitchen, Chrissy dear,"

Suzette said, laughing openly now.

"Al right, now that's enough of this nonsense," Grace snapped with exasperation. Moving to stand before Christiana, she eyed her briefly with worry before glancing to her sisters to ask, "What on earth is the matter with her? Has she been drinking?"

"No," Lisa said at once, and then frowned and added, "Wel , yes, but not on purpose. I'm afraid Langley gave her his whiskey by accident and she downed it without realizing what it was until it was too late, and then she had a glass of the Regent's punch as wel , and apparently she'd already had another whiskey earlier so the combination . . ."

"I see," Grace said with a sigh, and then a smile tugged at her lips and she shook her head. "Wel , a good night's rest wil right what's wrong with her then. Come along, dear, let's get you out of this dress and ready for bed."

"But I have to find Dicky's strawberry," Christiana protested, trying ineffectual y to stop Grace as she began to undo her lacings.

"Darling child, don't you worry about Dicky anymore. He's dead remember?"

"Actual y, he's not," Lisa said unhappily and the words stopped Grace's cold where Christiana's efforts had failed.

"Of course he is. He's - "

"Alive and wel and showed up at the bal ," Suzette interrupted.

"No," Grace said with certainty and immediately strode across the room to the connecting door to the master chamber. She opened it, peered inside, and then slammed it quickly closed and whirled to them with horror on her face, "How?"

"A deal with the devil," Christiana answered morosely. "Now I have to get him naked. He should of stayed dead don't you think? The King should make a law, if you're dead, you stay dead. It's entirely too upsetting for dead husbands to show up at bal s and spoil them like that . . . and then I wouldn't have to shee his bare bottom."

Grace stared at her blankly for a moment, and then shook her head and moved back to her side. "Al right, you girls get yourselves to bed. I'l see my lady into bed."

"Oh, but I don't want to go to bed. I might fal asleep and miss Dicky's strawberry."

"Yes, yes," Grace interrupted soothingly, urging her to her feet and quickly finishing undoing her gown. "You want to see Dicky's bottom. But he's not here right now, is he? So we'l just get you ready for bed. You can see his bottom whether you're wearing a dress or nightgown, can't you?"

"I suppose," Christiana muttered.

"Go on, you two. I can handle this," Grace insisted, drawing Christiana's attention to the fact that her sisters were stil there. Despite the maid's words, the two women seemed reluctant to leave and Christiana wondered if they wanted to stay and help her get a look at Dicky's bottom.

"I think they're gone," Richard whispered when silence reigned in the hal for several minutes. "We'd best move while we have the chance. Once they have Christiana in bed, the girls wil no doubt seek their own rooms and this could be one of them."

Daniel grunted agreement and eased the door open to check the hal . Apparently finding it empty, he stepped back and pul ed the door wide for Richard to carry his burden out of the room. He didn't get far. Richard had barely stepped out the door when another one along the hal opened. He immediately whirled back to the room to return inside, but Daniel apparently hadn't heard the sound, wasn't aware of the threat of discovery, and blocked his way, stil trying to exit the room.

More concerned about the body being seen than himself, Richard cursed and shoved George at Daniel, who had the wit to catch the blanket-wrapped body. He then pushed his friend back into the room with his burden. He pul ed the door closed even as he whirled to face Christiana's sisters, who had appeared outside the door to the room he thought was Christiana's. The two women were looking back into the room, saying their good nights, and didn't turn his way until he'd taken a couple of steps toward them. Both women paused, their smiles fading.

"Ladies," he murmured, racking his Copyright 2016 - 2024