The Countess Page 0,3

am not very hungry."

"I don't care. You're too skinny. Eat," Dicky said firmly, and then added, "Your diet is atrocious. You don't eat enough meat. Eat your kidney and kippers."

Christiana bowed her head and began to eat, doing her best not to taste what went into her mouth. That was impossible, however, and she was more than grateful to finish the last bite and stand up.

"What are you doing?"

Christiana stil ed, her eyes shooting to her husband. "I am finished, Dicky. I thought I would go see what my sisters - "

"I am not finished." When confusion covered Christiana's face, he snapped, "Is it too much to expect my wife to keep me company while I breakfast?"

She settled reluctantly back in her seat, but resentment and anger were stirring within her again. They never breakfasted together. From the first morning of their marriage he had either risen early, breakfasted and left the house before she had even stirred, or he slept later than her and took his breakfast in his room alone. At first Christiana had worried over that, thinking a wife and husband should breakfast together, but after a while she'd been grateful for the respite. Now she was just annoyed with the man, knowing he was simply using the demand for her company as an excuse to make her sisters wait longer.

Dicky took his time about finishing his meal, but final y pushed his plate away and rose. He then insisted on walking her to the parlor and did so at a pace that snails could have outstripped. Christiana was gritting her teeth by the time he paused to open the parlor door.

"Chrissy!" Suzette started to her feet with relief when Christiana entered, but stopped abruptly when Dicky fol owed. She then watched with obvious frustration as he ever so slowly walked Christiana to a seat and saw her settled.

"So?" Dicky arched an eyebrow as he took up a position on the arm of Christiana's chair where he could loom over her like a bird of prey about to pounce.

He then eyed her sisters like they were naughty children. "What was so urgent that you had to arrive here at such an ungodly hour?"

Suzette's gaze slid to Christiana and then to Lisa before she forced a cool smile and sweetly lied, "Nothing at al . We just missed Chrissy terribly. It has been more than a year since your marriage and you have not brought her back to visit as you promised."

Christiana could feel Dicky stiffen at the chastisement and sighed inwardly. Here was more he would punish her for later.

"I am an Earl, girl, an important man who is far too busy to waste time gal ivanting about the countryside when there is work to be done here," Dicky said stiffly.

"Ah, wel , we are seeing each other now," Christiana murmured to forestal her sister saying anything else. "And I am very happy to see you. You must tel me everything that has happened since I left home."

Much to her relief, Suzette caught the hint and immediately launched into tale after tale of life back on their country estate. She actual y seemed to begin to enjoy the endeavor, devilment sparkling in her eyes as she recounted who had married, who hadn't, and every bit of gossip she had heard no matter how trivial. As for Lisa, she sat silent, her worried gaze remaining warily on an increasingly impatient Dicky as Suzette babbled on. It was a relief to al of them when he suddenly stood to announce, "I shal leave you ladies to your nattering then. I have more important issues to attend to."

On that pompous note, he left them, moving much more swiftly than he had al owed her to on entering.

"Thank God," Suzette moaned when the door closed, her gay, trouble-free facade dropping away. Anger immediately replaced it and she sat forward to demand, "What the devil is going on, Chrissy? Does he act like that al the time? My God he was nothing like that when he courted you. He - "

"Hush," Christiana hissed. Standing, she moved swiftly to the door and knelt to peer out the keyhole. When al she saw was empty hal , she released a relieved breath and moved back to her sisters.

"How bad is your marriage?" Suzette asked quietly as Christiana settled on the couch between her sisters. "You look tired and miserable. He's not treating you right, is he?"

"Never mind that," Christiana said wearily. There was little Copyright 2016 - 2024