Containing Malice (Rebel Cyborgs #1) - Cynthia Sax Page 0,68

He held his female, Cadet’s mom, with one arm, swept the other around them. “Safe. Stay.”

“My dad designed most of the security systems for the planet.” Pride edged Cadet’s voice. “There’s no safer place in the universe for our kind.” Her lips lifted. “And that includes the Homeland, although the leader of the cyborg council arrogantly believes otherwise.”

“He might not be that bad when you get to know him, daughter.” Her mom pursed her lips. “You have to give him a chance.”

“Ours.” Her dad dipped his head again and sighed.

“I’ve given him enough chances.” Cadet crossed her arms over her chest. “Dad, show the C Model the security systems. Convince him it is safe for his female here.”

“And we’ll talk with his medic female.” Cadet’s mom wiggled much like Malice’s female was doing.

“Safe.” Cadet’s dad hesitated for a moment and released his female.

Fraggin’ hole. That meant Malice had to release his female also.

“Stay close to me, Medic.” He lowered her to her booted feet and bracketed her beautiful face with his palms. “And be careful.”

“I’ll be careful, cyborg.” She pressed her lips against his. “Try not to flatten anyone…and that includes Cadet’s dad.” She gave him another too-quick kiss and hurried into a not-at-all-cautious, all-female group hug.

His female was intent on getting herself killed. Malice blew out his breath, glanced at Cadet’s dad.

“Safe.” The C Model extracted a private viewscreen from one of the holders built into his body armor. “Con-vince.”

Several moments later, Malice no longer had any concerns about the safety of his female. Ghost, Cadet’s dad, might be severely damaged in many ways, but he had built defenses into the Mercury Minor security plan Malice wouldn’t have considered.

And he trained Malice on how to better protect and care for his little human. The C Model always carried nourishment bars and containers of beverage in his holsters for his fragile female. The warrior had generously shared some of those supplies with him.

Being a cyborg, having the ability to multitask, he had listened to the females’ chatter as he studied defense tactics with Ghost. There were some absurd discussions about the training and handling of C Models, alarming talk about the manufacturing of offspring, and much, much laughter.

When Illona finally returned to his side and they parted from Cadet and her family, allowing them time alone, his female’s eyes were shining with joy, her tread was light, and there were 0.0000 doubts in Malice’s processors that landing on Mercury Minor, making the planet their new home, was the right decision.

“They’ve started building the new medic bay, did you know that?” His female linked her fingers with his as they walked.

He nodded. Ghost had relayed the security measures for that structure also.

“We can claim the domicile closest to the site, if we wish.” His female wished that. He heard the longing in her voice. “It’s empty, and there’s space for the three of us. Valor can have the chamber on the ground level, and we can claim the upper chamber.”

Malice grunted. According to Ghost, sensors had already been set around the domicile. All they would have to do was activate them.

“Being close to the medic bay would be convenient.” His little medic was adorably animated, and that excited him. Too much. His cock pressed against his body armor. “One of the humanoid females on the planet is pregnant. Her warrior is a D Model. We’ll be helping to bring a new cyborg into the universe. Isn’t that wonderful?”

It was more than wonderful. It was a miracle, and it prompted Malice to envision his human in that state, her stomach rounded from offspring manufacturing.

That prospect filled him with tremendous joy and made his processors spin.

Half a solar cycle ago, he had been imprisoned in a tiny chamber, had been separated from Valor, his friend, and from the rest of his brethren. He had been trapped, solitary, angry.

Now, he was free, with no walls around him and no ceiling above his head. His friend was standing mere strides away from him, also liberated. Malice had a female whom he loved and who loved him.

And they might have offspring in the future. They could expand their family, create more love.

His heart swelled with emotion. He stopped and pulled Illona to him. Her slender curves fit perfectly against his muscles, the two of them becoming one. “I love you, Medic.”

“I love you, cyborg.” She tilted her head back and beamed up at him. A lock of her long, black hair had escaped its confines, framed Copyright 2016 - 2024