Containing Malice (Rebel Cyborgs #1) - Cynthia Sax Page 0,46

the male in the stomach as the male had kicked Illona.

Blood flowed from the wound she’d inflicted. Picton doubled up, gasping loudly. He must have been too winded to scream.

Humans were extremely fragile.

Malice glanced at his female.

His blasted human was staring at his groin.

His cock bobbed, appreciating that attention. She smiled, her joy lighting up her entire face, and he swallowed a groan. His female would be the death of him. He processed that yet had no desire to resist her.

“You should restore your energy levels, female.” He issued that warning to her. “When I’m done with him—” He whacked Picton across the chest with his own tool of torture. “—I’m breeding with you. Hard. I’ll use you so thoroughly, you’ll feel me in your core for planet rotations.” He kicked the male again. “Every stretch of you will be covered with my nanocybotics. I will own you this shift and every shift after this.”

Her lush lips parted. “Yes, please.” Her scent thickened in the air.

He breathed deeply, taking that part of her inside him. His balls throbbed with wanting. “Female.” He growled at his tiny human.

“Finish him.” She met his gaze. “Then we can fuck.”

The strength in her countenance enthralled him. The fragrance of death and hot willing female appealed to his savage warrior soul. The command in her tone plucked at his cock.

“You’re a medic.” He scowled at her, aroused to the point of pain. “Medics repair beings. They don’t order their deaths.”

“I’m not a medic in this moment.” His clever female used words he’d told her planet rotations ago. “I’m yours, and I’m waiting for you to remind me of that fact.”

Frag. He wanted to do exactly that.

“You won’t be waiting long.” He hit Picton again and again, releasing his frustration on the human male. Blood sprayed. The guard screamed.

Illona reached upward, the movement lifting her small breasts. She slowly took down her hair. The long black tendrils fell around her face, a covering cloth of rippling softness he wanted to sink his fingers into.

Malice struck Picton harder.

His female would short out any cyborg’s circuits.

And he wasn’t merely any cyborg. He was hers.

She processed that. Blast her.

Malice pounded on their enemy with all his might.

Chapter Thirteen

Illona had never expected to open her eyes again.

Yet she had…due to her cyborg’s extreme efforts, his caring, his sheer force of will. Malice had saved her from certain death, had stopped the attack against her. If she had suffered one more blow, she doubted she would have survived. Her warrior had then healed her with a series of uncharacteristically gentle fucks, coaxing her back to life. Now he was extracting vengeance on her behalf, pulverizing Picton into a puddle of mush.

The guard was no longer conscious or alive or recognizable as a being. Malice continued beating him with the reprimand stick, striking the little that was left of the male again and again. The strength of her warrior’s anger was awe-inducing. The wounds he was inflicting should have appalled her medic heart.

It should have done that…if she hadn’t been forced, over the past solar cycle and a half, to hurt less-malevolent beings, to torture her cyborg and his friend.

And if Picton hadn’t reveled in the pain he’d delivered to those two beings. She could have killed the guard for that.

But she didn’t have to take that action. Malice was ending his lifespan, appeared to be enjoying the task.

His eyes blazed with energy. His muscles flexed under his gray skin. He slammed the reprimand stick down on the remains of the male, splattering blood and gore everywhere.

Someone screamed. The sound came from outside the chamber. Gunfire followed.

The alarms had stopped wailing a few moments ago. The irritating red lights no longer flashed.

She glanced at the gun placed on the sleeping support. “Valor might need help. There are quite a few guards.”

“There were quite a few guards.” Malice bashed the flattened flesh some more. “He doesn’t need help.” Her cyborg tossed the reprimand stick to the side and turned to face her. “And I didn’t give you permission to move.” He glared at her.

That expression would have been more intimidating if his cock hadn’t been hard. It jutted out from his hairless base, testament to his desire for her.

She must have been a mess when he found her. Yet that hadn’t dampened his need for her.

And it certainly hadn’t decreased her lust for him. Her pussy was dripping wet.

“You haven’t given me permission to move.” Her lips curled upward. “Which means I shouldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024