Containing Malice (Rebel Cyborgs #1) - Cynthia Sax Page 0,23

kill her. There were other options.

He could lock her in a chamber similar to the one he currently occupied, keep her to himself, visit with her to breed, to torture her by pounding her into the sleeping support, covering her with his bite marks, making her scream with rapture until her voice was hoarse.

His cock twitched, his body approving of that plan. Trust wasn’t necessary for release, for physical satisfaction. They’d proven that during the previous rest cycle.

In the future, he would control his lying female as she controlled him now. She wouldn’t be allowed to damage him or Valor. His gullible friend would be protected from her manipulations. She would harm no one.

Including himself.

She had a grip on his cock. The mere scent of her aroused him. Part of his processors were dedicated to his need for her.

The rest of him would always recall who, what she was. Cyborgs had faultless memories. They never forgot anything.

Her betrayals, her cruelty, her lack of honor would remain with him until the end of his lifespan.

He would use her, but he would never forgive her.

Chapter Seven

Illona returned to her private chambers, moving as quickly as she could without rousing suspicion. She had been careful. Medic Febris had shouldered most of the risk. But she could have made a mistake, and she was acutely aware the explosive planted in her jaw could be remotely detonated by the Humanoid Alliance at any moment.

Time was limited for her, and she had much to do. She ran a cleaning cloth over her white jacket, her flight suit, and her boots, tidying them, took a drink of beverage, a few bites of a nourishment bar. That steadied her shaking hands.

She entered her working chamber, sat at a horizontal support, crafted another dose of the nanocybotics booster. As Illona worked, she shielded the ingredients and the measurements from view. The monitoring equipment had been disabled in the space, but she didn’t trust it hadn’t been reactivated. She randomly disposed of inputs, ensuring the Humanoid Alliance couldn’t determine the formula by the amounts remaining in containers. Every couple of moments, she rearranged everything on the surface before her.

The beings she was forced to serve shouldn’t be able to duplicate the mixture. Not easily.

The Humanoid Alliance’s intentions for the booster were evil. That was all they knew—how to destroy, to hurt, to kill. She would slow their plans as much as she could for as long as she could.

Which could be planet rotations or mere moments, depending on her lifespan.

The nanocybotics booster might help Malice escape the lab. That was the only reason she was manufacturing another container of them. The first injection had worked. He’d peeled off the well-fastened wall panel with no visible effort.

And he’d fucked her without stopping, for almost the entire rest cycle. Her toes curled in her boots. His stamina, his passion, had been…impressive.

If she was gifted with another shift of that, she would die a very happy female. A smile lifted her lips as she loaded her injector gun with the formula. She placed that tool in a pocket on her jacket.

Malice’s nanocybotics continued to bubble inside her. She didn’t hurt. That was a miracle in itself. She was stronger, had more energy.

That enhancement was greatly needed this planet rotation. She picked up the remote access chip she’d spent the past twenty-three planet rotations modifying and inserted it into her handheld. It read the hardware correctly, but it didn’t connect to the lab’s systems.

Ugh. She swallowed her aggravation and made another adjustment to it. That didn’t work either. She tinkered with it, struggling with the process for as long as she could.

Technology wasn’t her forte. She’d learned quite a bit about it during her confinement in the lab, but clearly she hadn’t learned enough to make the remote access chip function.

Malice, being a cyborg, might be able to use it to connect with the Humanoid Alliance’s system. He was half machine. Programming was one of his many skills, was a part of him.

Or the remote access chip could be useless. Her time and effort could have been wasted. But she would give it to him and allow him to decide that.

She transferred the passwords and any other details she thought might help him onto the remote access chip, slipped both the handheld and the remote access chip into her pocket. Medical tape, another laser scalpel, grippers, a mini medic pack, other items joined them.

Her gut told her she might not return to her chambers. Copyright 2016 - 2024