The Consolation Prize (Brides of Karadok #3) - Alice Coldbreath Page 0,80

Fulcher a good while and that he must have earned your trust somehow …” Her words trailed off as she thought of that shifty, untrustworthy face. “Perhaps I speak out of turn, ’tis only that I wish to urge caution, for I have come across men of Fulcher’s ilk and I do not think you appreciate—”

Armand caught her fingers against his face and held them there. “Una,” he said in a comfortably reassuring voice. “I am fully aware of the kind of man Fulcher is.”

He hesitated and Una found herself blurting out: “He stole your hat!”

“My hat?” she could hear the bewilderment in his voice at the turn the conversation had taken.

“The night you were attacked in Caer-Lyoness, do you remember? You lost the hat I made you. Your friend Fulcher is wearing it, bold as brass!”

Armand was silent a moment. “I don’t think that can be the same hat,” he said, rallying. “It looks nothing like I remember it.”

“Armand, I recognize my own handiwork! That is your hat and he sat through supper wearing it, at your own table. Quite shamelessly!” When he was silent, Una continued, aggrieved. “I do not mean to imply he was in league with those ruffians who set upon you, but you must admit that it looks very suspicious.” Was it her imagination or did Armand’s shoulders shake slightly?

“My love,” he said, and she was sure she could hear a thread of amusement running through his voice. “You are accusing an old and valued acquaintance of mine of being a hat thief.”

“Yes, I am!” Una flung at him. “Though, I wish I had not become diverted down this particular sidetrack, for ’tis a minor issue compared to my general misgivings about the man! In truth, I do not think you are at all wise to trust him with your secrets!”

Feeling flustered, Una struggled in vain to put some space between herself and Armand, but his arms closed about her to keep her where she was. Had he just called her his love?

“Shh, now Una, I won’t tease,” he said. “Let me be frank with you.” She stilled at once. “Sensible girl,” he said. “Now trust me to have some sense also. You are right, Fulcher has certain associations that would not bear up to close inspection. However, in this instance I mean to use that to my advantage.” Una’s ears pricked up and she waited patiently for his next words. “As you know, our fortune is ill-gotten. I have no doubt that several pieces could be traced back to their original owners. Selling them on will be difficult for us. It could even bring down the law on us as suspected murderers or thieves. I do not want any trail leading back to Lynwode or to us.” He waited expectantly.

“You mean to use Fulcher’s connections,” she said hesitantly. “To offload the stolen treasure?”

“And convert it into nice gold coins for us. Yes. Fulcher has dubious acquaintances in every city in Karadok. I can send him off with a sack of treasure and he will return in a month with however many bags of gold he received for them.”

Una considered this in silence. “He will, of course demand a share of the profits.”

“That is only fair. He will be taking considerable risk after all,” he pointed out.

“How do you know he will not cheat you by bringing back three bags when he received four?”

Armand pinched her backside. “I have already taken that into account when I negotiated his share. He is an excellent negotiator and will likely extract a far higher price for many pieces even than they deserve. No one ever gets the better of Fulcher in a deal,” he said dryly. “I know him of old, you see.”

Una considered this. “Yet, you are fond of this man,” she said, faint accusation in her voice.

“Yes,” he admitted. “I am.”

“Even though you know him to be a rogue and a cheat?”

He was silent a moment. “You have no love for rogues and cheats, Una?” his tone was strange and made her pause. Suddenly she remembered his sister’s words about Armand’s conduct at the tournaments. Oh.

“I do not like to think of anyone taking advantage of you, that is all,” she repeated after a pause.

He spluttered at this, muttering something she did not catch beneath his breath. Anxious to appease him for insulting his friend, she pressed forward. “Forgive me,” she said contritely, and dropped a kiss somewhere in the vicinity of his mouth. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024