The Consolation Prize (Brides of Karadok #3) - Alice Coldbreath Page 0,45

her way every once in a while, when he was flush and in funds, but she never wrote to him and indeed he had never expected her to. Most likely the old woman was illiterate. She could have dropped dead in the place for all he knew which would mean introducing his wife to yet another corpse! Then there was his family to consider, he thought darkly. If they caught wind he was in residence, there would be hell to pay and he would have no peace whatsoever.

Still, there was nothing he could do about it now. He had little choice in the matter and in truth, he had enjoyed five years of giddy freedom doing as he pleased and never once thinking about his duties back home. He should be rejoicing at the large fortune that had fallen into his lap, however grisly the circumstances. Wymer had not seen fit to dower Una, so he would simply view this as its equivalent. If his family questioned his newfound wealth, he would tell them his bride came heavily dowered. Neither his father nor brothers had any connections at court, so it wasn’t like they would ever learn otherwise.

He glanced over at Una now, with the little dog swaddled against her breast like a baby. He had tried to object, pointing out the little cur might piddle all over her gown, but she had been resolute, insisting she would wrap her mantle about her shoulders and secure him to her.

In the end, he had glanced at Otho who had merely shrugged, and let her have her way. The dog’s eyes were closed, and he seemed to be enjoying the proximity. Armand couldn’t really say he blamed him as Una did have a fine pair of breasts. It was one of the first things he’d noticed about her. Suddenly, a memory came back to him of lying against Una’s naked bosom. He sat up in his saddle. She had stroked his hair. Was he reading too much into this, or could it mean he hadn’t been too contemptible a bed partner for a sheltered virgin? He felt a rush of relief and was encouraged to hope that was the case. Thank the gods that he had not remembered her crying or trying to push him away.

At least he now knew why she had looked so stricken when he had asked if she had ever been set about by robbers. She must have seen a good deal of brutality in her time. Of course, soldiers sacking unprotected communities was nothing new and was done on all sides, but he had not thought such facts would console her.

His eyes traveled over her critically, now some light was creeping into the sky. In truth, she was not a bad-looking woman. Her build was not diminutive as he had always preferred, but her tall, upright bearing was admirable in its own way. Her face would not be displeasing, if only her expression was not so grave and weighty all the time as though she had too many cares.

He did not think he had heard her really laugh, but when she smiled, it often lit her up in a pleasing way. Her eyes, which were in truth more gray than blue, were not at all watery like in that ghastly portrait of her everyone knew. They must have modelled the likeness to that of her sire, he supposed, to show she was a chip off the old block. Any woman he knew would have thrown a fit if they had been so misrepresented on canvas.

Then again, she had been going about in that awful yellow frizzed wig and wearing that peculiar gown that stole any womanly shape from her body, so mayhap she had wanted to conceal her comeliness. He knew from experience that she had ample charms when her clothes were off. He shifted in his saddle and forced himself to think of other things.

On reflection, he rather thought it was the right decision to take her to Lynwode and establish her there. Though the place was in considerable disrepair, maybe he could set this wife of his to its renovation? She seemed capable enough in her own quiet way. His thoughts brightened. Maybe then, once he had given her time to adjust and made the necessary introductions, he could be off again, living his merry, touring life?

The idea appealed to him. Perhaps by supposedly taking a rich wife, even his family would think he was Copyright 2016 - 2024