Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,213

to see Tony face to face, Brent worried. She did fine. If he could muster a false smile and Claire could do it, she could too. They were already laying the ground work for Caleb’s move to another place of employment.

As Brent got out of the car and walked into the institution he worried about Claire, what would she look like? Has she been able to survive? How? He hated Tony and damned him with each echoing step down the long, tiled halls.

A guard took him to a small dingy room, illuminated with a florescent glow, which contained a steel table and four chairs. Brent set his briefcase on the table and waited. Looking around, he noticed the conspicuous camera in the corner. It reminded him of the videotaping mentioned in the preliminary brief and of his conversation with Tony.

“You want me to go tell Ms. Nichols (Tony didn’t like to hear her first name) you are considering a civil lawsuit against her, for what?”

“Slander and deformation of character.”

“Why, what did she say?”

“It doesn’t matter. You don’t need to know. You just need to do your job.” Tony’s voice was flat and authoritative.

In actuality Brent was fishing, would Tony share the information Brent already knew? He also wondered if Tony knew he knew, apparently not. “Tony, there are many members of the legal team that haven’t been as involved with Ms. Nichols as I. Perhaps one of them could inform her of the impending suit?”

“No. It will be you.” His tone was firm and his eyes intense. “Have you ever noticed the nice cameras in those visitor rooms? Those tapes are available for a price. I will assume you will not relay information to her that is not related to the suit. As a reminder, this will not be a friendly visit.” Brent said he understood.

Claire was reading in her cell on that July afternoon when her buzzer sounded. The sound meant she needed to go to her door. She would be receiving something, usually a package. This time a guard informed her that she had a visitor and her presence was immediately required in the visitor area.

Claire only received two visitors since her arrest. The first was in Iowa City before she gave her plea and was transferred to the correctional institution. Following a guard, she found her best friend waiting. Courtney was in Fiji during Claire’s arrest and came as soon as they returned. Visibly distraught as Claire was escorted by a guard, Courtney apologized to Claire for not being a better friend. If she had pursued her concerns more, perhaps Claire wouldn’t have felt the need to resort to such drastic measures to get away from Tony. Claire assured her, “I did not try to kill Tony. Please don’t believe everything you hear or see. Remember Tony’s regard for appearances. Many times, things are not as they seem.” Courtney said she understood and would try to help her, but . . . Brent, his job . . . Claire hadn’t heard from her since. Honestly, she understood.

The only other visitor since her incarceration was Emily. Claire knew that the trip to Mitchellville, Iowa was difficult for her. When Emily had time to travel she would visit John in New York.

Now Claire curiously followed the guard down the halls and through multiple gates, each one locking, unlocking, and making the electronic beep sound. Wearing her prison clothes she entered a room to find Brent Simmons. It had been so long she momentarily thought she was seeing a friend visit a friend. Brent’s expression instantaneously changed her mind. Claire sat where the guard indicated. The guard then stepped from the room, leaving Brent and Claire alone.

She knew this was business, but he was her friend. She couldn’t stop herself. “Brent, how are you? How is Courtney? When is Caleb’s wedding?”

Stone faced and sober, Brent replied, “Ms. Nichols, I have been instructed to inform you of an impending civil suit in which you will be named the defendant.”

Creating an equally professional persona Claire responded, “Okay. Thank you for informing me, may I ask the grounds for this suit?”

“My client has reason to believe that you have spoken slander against him. This defamation of his character is being considered a ploy to damage his personal and professional reputation.” Brent said what was needed, with the demeanor necessary, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Claire looked different from what he expected. It wasn’t just her hair and the clothes, she had confidence and Copyright 2016 - 2024