Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,179

happy that you are happily married.”

The increasing feeling of anxiety made her stand. “Thank you, Simon. I wish you continued success. Please give my best to your family. I must get back to my husband.”

“Do you have your phone?” Claire’s expression became confused. Simon smiled. “I’m making you sad, which wasn’t my intention. I wanted to show you my latest game, it is fun and I hope it will make you smile. Do you remember staying up all night playing video games?” She did but it seemed like another person in another life. “I created this most recent game with someone from my past in mind. Kind of a tribute I guess.”

“I don’t have my purse, it’s at the table.” She silently berated herself. He was being so open and honest and she was lying about a phone!

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a smart phone, and started touching the screen. “Here it is, you can download it for $1.99.” Smiling, he added, “Which I believe is within your price range.” Claire looked onto the screen. The goal of the game seemed to be to find something. But in order to accomplish this goal you had to rummage through clothes, old pieces of pizza, pizza boxes, soda pop cans, etc. She smiled and he explained, “Each level has a new item to discover. It is very popular with the college and postcollege demographic. It’s made me millions.” She really smiled at him. He actually made that kind of money with games. “I am glad I saw your smile. Claire, you are beautiful, but I miss the brown hair.”

“Bye, Simon. Good luck to you.” She nodded. He looked like he wanted to hug her or shake hands, some type of contact, but she turned away. Immediately, she made eye contact with Tony. He’d been watching. She resumed her position beside her husband.

Acknowledging her return, he flashed his charming smile, nodded, and greeted her, “Mrs. Rawlings.”

When they stepped out onto the sidewalk, the Chicago lights sparkled in the clear September night air. Tony’s hand gently rested in the small of Claire’s back. The temperature was still warm, but she felt a shiver. Eric opened the door of the limousine and Tony helped his wife into the car.

Lost in her thoughts, Claire watched as the lights of the city passed the windows. Her mind was back at college. The memories of the messy dorm room, the clutter, and now the game brought a warm feeling. She was happy for Simon. He succeeded in accomplishing his goals. She remembered his aspirations, not of wealth but happiness and family. She recalled that he wanted to be able to help his parents. She hadn’t asked if he was married. She hadn’t even looked to see if he was wearing a wedding ring. But with all her soul, she hoped he was.

“Mrs. Rawlings,” Tony was addressing Claire. She turned to face him, he was uncomfortably close. “What is your name?”

Bewildered she just looked at him. He reached for her chin and held it so that they were looking at one another. “Your name, what is your name?”

Annoyed and alarmed, “Tony, what are you doing?”

He didn’t loosen his grip. “I am asking you a question, one that you seem to be unable to answer.”

Mystified by his behavior, she answered his question, “My name is Claire. Claire Rawlings.”

Slow and deliberate, “Explain to me, Mrs. Rawlings, how you can be sitting with me, your husband, wearing the rings I purchased, in the limousine paid for by my hard work, and thinking about another man.”

He still held her chin. “Tony, please let go of my face. You are hurting me.”

He let go of her chin. His hand slid behind her neck, tightly holding her head and the hair that hung down. He continued, “Do I need to repeat every question or do you think you may be able to answer at least one the first time?”

Flashing, her green eyes spoke alarm and the stiffening of her neck spoke resolve, “Seeing Simon caught me off guard. I have not thought of or heard from him in eight years. Do you not think that deserves some reflection?”

His grip tightened. “No. I believe the past is just that. It is done and now it is time to concentrate on the present.” Her neck hurt. He had her head positioned so that their eyes made contact, his shone black. Hers weren’t apologetic, but full of fury. She didn’t respond.

“At present I believe you need Copyright 2016 - 2024