Consequences (Consequences #1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,116

some taste testing. Monica smiled and explained they had other options such as carrot, red velvet, caramel, chocolate raspberry, and more. Claire felt once again overwhelmed by too many choices.

The next debate involved the menu for the reception. Since Claire had only chosen two of her meals in the last eight months, she asked Tony if she could take a break and get something to eat. She didn’t feel well, low blood sugar. He kissed her cheek and said she should rest. He could take care of it. Patricia added, “I will be here to help.”

“I am sure you will.” She kissed Tony and went to the kitchen to find Catherine and some lunch. They were about done for today. Brad and Monica would return Monday late afternoon when Tony returned home from work. At that time, more definitive plans would be made and others finalized. It was fun talking possibilities without considering the financial ramifications. Tony was right. The wedding would be planned and accomplished by December 18. Money could make anything happen.

Their kitchen was more industrial than cozy. She hadn’t eaten in there before, but with people everywhere it seemed like a safe, isolated location. Sitting at a small table near windows, Claire looked out over the backyard and the garages. She was there eating a sandwich when Tony found her.

“What do you think about the plans?” His voice sounded light and brought her back to reality. She’d been letting her mind wander. It hadn’t been any place in particular, just a happy place. She was thinking about lights, Christmas trees, her wedding dress, Tony in a tuxedo, and a warm feeling. She remembered the warmth of her visions while she was ill, and her current thoughts were giving her that same feeling. It is a nice change to have reality be her warm place.

She smiled at Tony as he approached. “I think they sound wonderful. I can’t believe they aren’t freaking out about the deadline.”

“What did I tell you?”

She smiled. “We don’t have enough time to discuss all the things you have told me.”

“You seem happy.” Grinning, he stole the other half of her sandwich. “I meant about what money could do to help our wedding proceed as you want.” He took a bite of the sandwich.

“You said it would and it obviously does. I am still slightly in shock.” Claire took a drink of water and caressed Tony’s arm. Looking into his brown eyes, she said, “It’s a good shock.” He took her water and started to kiss her neck. “Do you realize you have taken my sandwich and now my water?”

Tony cooed, “I think maybe you have taken something of mine.”

He stood by her chair. She put her arms around his waist and looked up at his face. “I did? What did I take?”

He bent down to kiss her. She stood to meet him halfway. His lips softly touched her lips and her neck as his hands became tangled in her hair. “I believe it was my heart.” Claire’s body forgot the demands of the previous night. Actually, it began to make demands of its own. He tugged her hair with his fingers, causing her face to look up. She considered asking about Patricia, it was a fleeting thought. There was a more pressing issue. “Is everyone still here?” she pressed back.

“Brad and Monica left, they will return Monday to give us more information. We can make more definite decisions then.” She kissed his neck as he spoke. His voice revealed the effect of her kisses. “And Patricia is collecting names for our guest list. She is still in my office. I told her I needed to check on you to make sure you were feeling all right.” His chocolate eyes hid behind his closed lids.

Claire couldn’t resist. “I’m feeling very good, how do you think I’m feeling?” He murmured agreement as she spoke between kisses. “So explain why I can’t be in your office alone and she can?”

He pulled her close. “Because I said so.” His hands caressed the soft skin under her sweater.

“I hated that answer when it came from my parents, I don’t think I like it from you either.” She wasn’t arguing or complaining. On the contrary, she was agreeing with everything.

“Okay, how about because you don’t need to worry your pretty head about anything in there? The telephones, Internet, computers . . . All you need to worry about is me.”

“Oh, and I do! I worry about you constantly.” She Copyright 2016 - 2024