To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,5

and fall of her chest. Aedan tore his gaze from the soft, inviting curves he suspected she housed under her strange garments.

“You know I cannot send her back straight away, so whether ye approve of my actions or not, she is here for a time. I will talk to her and settle her nerves. Please give me some time. Trust me. I’ve never let ye down before.”

Aedan pointed to the woman in the bed. “You’ve let me down now. Fix this.” He stormed from the room and headed toward the main hall where the night’s meal was being served. Gwen’s magic was strong, he knew that, but she’d never acted without such thought before. To bring someone through time, putting the woman and his family in danger from those who would use anything to conquer and lay claim to their home, was beyond him.

The timing couldn’t be worse. With the other clan families due to arrive for the games, their daughters paraded for his perusal, he was loath to have to worry about anything other than the unwanted responsibility of who he should marry and make the future MacLeod bride.

Not that he really desired one. After Gail had passed, such a future had seemed lost. His sister, once married, could produce offspring as well as any other, his home passing to a nephew. A wife might warm his bed, but she’d never warm his heart.

Not to mention that the O’Cains had sent Aedan’s other sister back, half-blind and in disgrace, clearly taunting him to engage in another war. The thought of sweet Jinny being used by his rival made the blood boil in his veins.

The day she’d arrived home, battered, blind, and a figment of who she’d once been had bombarded him with shame. He had truly believed the O’Cains had wished for peace as much as he. How wrong he’d been.

They had used her, bartered her body, while letting her become the clan’s amusement and plaything.

He wouldn’t stand for the insult, and once the Highland Games were over, he’d seek justice for his sibling. Never again would he outstretch his hand in peace toward the O’Cains.

Aedan sat at the dais, away from the rest of his clan, and watched his fellow clansmen eat and boast about the forthcoming revelry. He could find no interest in the night or the delectable wenches who served at the table. If the family secret was revealed, all this would be taken from them. The name MacLeod would be tarnished, forever remembered with distaste. Not to mention, the O’Cains would take advantage of their misfortune and claim his home and lands for themselves.

He couldn’t allow any of his fears to come to pass.

“Trouble, laird?”

Aedan nodded in welcome to his best swordsman, and distant family member, Braxton, as he sat beside him. His clansman ripped into a turkey leg and moaned his delight.

“Aye,” Aedan said. “Of the worst kind. A secret kind. A kind that could get those we love killed. Your betrothed has brought a woman from the future to be my bride.”

Braxton laughed, startling the few people that sat before them to turn and stare.

Aedan glowered. “I don’t see it as a laughing matter. She could ruin us all. Ye included.”

His clansman tried and failed to rein in his mirth. “Apologies, but does it surprise you? So far, you’ve dismissed all the women paraded before ye. Why, there are bets even now that the women due to arrive with their respective families, will all leave with their respective families.” His friend slapped him on the back. “Face it, old friend, your sister likes to meddle. It is nothing new, and it’s one of the reasons why we both love her. Is it not?”

“Aye, I know, but damn it. I must crush the O’Cains for their treachery. A wife from an allied clan, with a bountiful amount of fighting men, is what I need.” Aedan rubbed his jaw. “Not to mention, the lass she’s brought back is going to stick out like a Saxon wearing a kilt in the Highlands.”

The thought of the woman, the memory of her long legs in the tight trews she’d had on, her ass the perfect size for his hands, made him shift in his seat. Aedan would wager all the gold in his coffers that her skin was softer than a babe’s… He swore, picking up his mug and taking a heady sip. “As soon as Gwen is able, she must return her to the time she belongs.”

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