To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,45


But it was so not.

To tell Aedan that she wouldn’t sleep with him when her body totally wanted to do just that was near impossible. Truth be told, having some sexy good times with Aedan was all that occupied her mind. Each time she saw him, her eyes seemed to be glued to his ass or abs. Although she’d never had a short-lived fling before, she could have one now. At least she’d never have to worry about running into Aedan in the future and having that awkward I-didn’t-think-I’d-see-you-again conversation. And what was wrong with having a little fun with the man before she left?

Nothing, when she actually considered it…

Abigail hadn’t turned up to their arranged meeting, nor had she come downstairs for dinner that eve. He’d sent word to Cook to send a meal up for her, and was informed she’d requested a bath.

He couldn’t blame the lass for wanting to soothe her muscles. Gwen had informed him she’d never ridden before, and when organizing the event for the ladies, he’d not given her comfort a second thought.

But that thought had soon been overrun with another. That of Abigail, soaping her alabaster skin, running the soap over her breasts, her stomach, her…

Black Ben slapped him on the back. “I’ve not seen that look on yer face for many a year. Tell me which lass has been lucky enough to capture the attention of Laird MacLeod.”

Aedan sat back in his chair, meeting his closest friend’s knowing smile with a dismissive laugh. “Ah, there are many a lass here that have captured my attention, why should it be only one?”

Ben scoffed, the sound mocking, and Aedan frowned. “Ye lie. I saw ye the other eve, glaring at me like ye wanted to put a knife through my gullet. I’ll not be forgettin’ it, ye know. After all the years I’ve known ye, to think that I would steal a wee lassie away from ye was deeply upsettin’.”

“Do ye actually expect me to believe what ye’re saying?”

“No,” Ben said and laughed, “but it sounded good and ye know I like the sound of me own voice.”

The tables were pushed to the side, the gathered clans preparing the area for more dancing. “I will find a wife at these games, and must keep my options open.” A servant ran up the stairs, and Aedan wondered if she was calling on Abigail. Was she well, or was she sore from today’s ride and needed a tisane? He looked for his sister. He’d have Gwen take something up to Abigail to make her feel better.

Aedan stopped his thoughts before they became any more alarming. Aye, the lass was bonny, made him feel things no lass had in a very long time, but she’d made it perfectly clear she wasn’t interested in him. That her body and her beautiful eyes told him something else was beside the point.

Black Ben nodded, taking a sip of mead. “In all seriousness, Aedan, she’s a pleasing lass, young enough to give ye bairns, and bonny enough to keep ye loyal for a time. You’d be wise to stake a claim before someone else does.”

Like you? The thought left him angry and not a little ashamed. His friend was clever enough to know not to touch Abigail, and certainly not to seduce the girl. His hands fisted at the thought of anyone laying claim to her, of touching her sweet flesh, kissing those lips laced with sin.

He pushed back his chair and stood. “I’ll see ye tomorrow.”

“Aye, have a good night.” The salacious smirk on Ben’s face required no reply.

Aedan strode from the room, taking the stairs two at a time. The night was cool, the passage that led to his room darker than it ought to be, since the sconces hadn’t been lit. A servant shut Abigail’s door and bobbed a curtsy as she passed him.

He stopped at Abigail’s door, contemplating whether to knock or not. He should keep going, leave the lass alone, let her go…but something kept him standing there, not allowing his body to stride the remainder of the way to his room.

The sound of sloshing water sounded behind the wood and he leaned his head on the door, wishing it was open so he could see her. His imagination ran wild with the thought of what she’d look like naked, water wrapping about her like he wished he could.

He’d never been more jealous of an inanimate object in his life.


He walked off, then changing his mind, Copyright 2016 - 2024