To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,23

to marry, and it was the only declaration that made her stay palatable. This year our family won’t be so lucky.”

The young woman laughed and for the first time, Abby saw Aedan laugh, as well. For all his sister’s dislike of the girl, Aedan seemed to like her. Abby shifted on her chair, wondering why that made her feel…odd.

But that feeling was nothing like the one she felt seeing his face animated with happiness. He was as devastatingly handsome as she imagined. Perfect straight teeth, smile lines beside his eyes. His throat worked as he laughed, his whole persona drawing every eye upon him like a magnet.

Holy shit. He is hot!

“What did Aline do that upset you so much?” Abby spooned more broth into her bowl. It was some sort of meat soup with an assortment of vegetables bobbing about. It was a plain meal, but delicious.

“She tried to entrap Aedan in a compromising position. Luckily, my chamber servant is loyal to me and told me of the plan the girl had thought up, and needing the help of another, it was only fortunate she’d chosen my servant for the role. So, on the night she was to be caught bedding a man before taking her vows, it was me who walked into her room and explained to her that Aedan wouldn’t be coming, that night or ever.”

Abby chuckled. “You know, Gwen, we may not have started off the best of friends, but I’m starting to really like your gumption. Unfortunately, by the looks of how they’re together right now, I think she’ll end up your sister-in-law, whether you like it or not.”

Gwen watched them as they walked toward the hall doors. A flurry of servants were going in and out with an assortment of luggage.

“Aedan will be kind to her, but I do believe he thinks her too young to marry. I hope the lass doesn’t try any more conniving schemes.”

Abby patted Gwen’s arm. “I’m sure she won’t,” she said, not entirely sure of her own words.

Aedan walked Aline out toward their carriage. He knew the girl’s ploy and shouldn’t be alone with the lass, but she’d wanted help finding a bracelet she’d dropped coming inside. He caught something shimmering in the rushes near the doors and he leaned down and picked up the small keepsake.

“Thank ye so much, Aedan. I don’t know what I would’ve done had I lost it.”

He smiled and helped place it back on her wrist. She clutched at his arm, and a cold sweat broke out on his skin. He was a good many years older than her, ten at the least, and the attention she marked for him although not unpleasant, was a little suffocating.

“I’m starved after the journey. May I break my fast at your table?”

“Of course. ’Twould be a pleasure.” He helped her toward the dais and noted Abigail was in deep conversation with Gwen and Braxton. He held out the chair for Aline and smiled as she sat, her attention never wavering from him.

“Would you care for some bread and soup?”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

Aedan caught the gaze of Laird Grant, and he nodded. The old man looked pleased he was dining with his daughter. He turned his attention back to the girl. “I hope your travels were not too arduous.”

“Nothing is too much trouble if I know we’re to visit the MacLeods.”

A hand reached out in front of him and he sat back, frowning at the intrusion.

“I’m Abigail Cross, a guest of the MacLeods. I’m very happy to meet you.”

Aline didn’t take Abigail’s proffered hand, but only stared at it. Aedan quickly introduced the two women and didn’t miss the annoyance that passed over Aline’s features before she smiled in welcome.

“I’m very pleased to meet you, but pray, what am I to do with your hand? Why are you holding it out to me?”

Aedan clasped Abigail’s hand and placed it back in her lap. Her fingers were long, and her skin softer than he thought possible for a woman. Had the girl ever worked a day in her life? Most women’s hands here were a little calloused, either by sewing, gardening, or riding, but not Abigail’s.

He placed her hand palm up on her leg and ran his hand over it. Not a callous to be found. Fascinating.

A discreet cough from Gwen pulled him to his senses, and he snatched his hand back. Abigail, thankfully, ignored his lapse and continued to try and converse with Aline about the forthcoming Highland Games.

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