Concealed Hearts (Hometown Jasper #4) - Nicky James Page 0,46

in a breath.

“We were drunk.”

“You said that already.”

“And the dares became more sexual in nature. We were horny teenagers. Obviously. Rose was the first person I ever kissed, and it was because of that damn game. Royce dared us to make out for twenty seconds. He knew Rose had a crush on me, but the bastard also knew I didn’t care for her one way or the other.”

Windsor worked the buttons on my shirt open one at a time as he spoke.

“So we made out to their whoops and hollers. She had her tongue halfway down my throat, and it did nothing for me. I was ten seconds from gagging and glad when it ended. After, there were more dares of kissing and touching. Stripping.”

“You’re not the man I thought you were, Windsor Elkhart. I’m shocked to my core.”

Windsor peered up from his work on my buttons, the ravenous and wicked look in his eyes surging right through to my cock.

“Royce got his first handjob that night in front of all of us. Now, see, Royce was the one I had a crush on. It had confused me for the better part of a year. I wasn’t willing to face it, and I figured my body needed to sort itself out. Except, watching him take pleasure in having his dick yanked in front of me by Lacy made me almost come in my pants.”

My shirt fell open, and Windsor shoved it down my arms and off, tossing it on the floor. He bent, taking a pebbled nipple in his mouth, tonguing, teething, and tasting me.

“Oh shit.” I grabbed a fistful of his hair and panted as he went to work, drawing moans and gasps from me I couldn’t stifle. “I swear you’re just trying to distract me from the clothes you just threw on the floor.”

He laughed, his efforts on my nipple faltering as he came apart. “I promise you can tidy up later. Does that help?”

“Um…” I repositioned his mouth where I wanted it. “Yes. I can… Keep going.”

After a few minutes of tonguing and toying my nipple, he found my mouth again and kissed me until my lips were abused and raw. Panting, he pulled off and continued his story.

“Eric didn’t like how blissed out and happy Royce was when it was all said and done. I think he was jealous. He had a thing for Lacy. So when it came to giving Royce his next dare, Eric wanted to wipe the smug look off Royce’s face. He got ballsy and dared Royce to kiss me. Everyone howled and laughed. It was a stupid game to everyone else. No one had a clue what that dare did to me.”

“Did he do it?”

“He did. It was painfully short, and I could tell he was thoroughly disgusted, but I carried that moment with me for a long time after that day. Eric succeeded in wiping the blissed-out look from Royce’s face, but what no one noticed was that it had transferred to mine.”

I laughed. “And from that day on, you knew?”

“I knew before. Denial was my middle name. Still is. But that night solidified it.”

Windsor undid the button on my pants and slipped them down, underwear and all.

“Heads up, your pants and underwear are going to join the pile on the floor.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“Enough talk of the past, Tomi.” Windsor’s hand circled my hard length as he worked me root to tip, sucking my tongue into his mouth and drawing out the most embarrassing noises. I was losing the ability to stand. My knees wobbled, and I took a firm hold of Windsor’s shirt to stay upright.

“Jesus, at least take me to bed. No matter how badly I want this, I’m not sure I can have sex on the kitchen floor.”

He laughed into our kiss, but released my erection and hoisted me up over his shoulder into a fireman hold. I hadn’t ever dreamed of something like this, but I couldn’t deny how incredibly erotic it was being manhandled by Windsor Elkhart.

He marched me through the cabin and dropped me onto the bed. I bounced a few times before settling. The ravenous look in Windsor’s eyes as he stripped out of his clothes managed to make me harder still. The man had lost all shyness and inhibition. I was looking at the Windsor who had gone without sex for far too long and was prepared to make up for the lost time.

Naked, he crawled over top of me and Copyright 2016 - 2024