The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,55

making love on his kitchen table. I close my eyes for a moment, overcome by longing and remind myself this is a fresh start. I can’t let thoughts like these seep back in and make me long for him any more than I already do.

I’ve done well for the last couple of weeks to stop myself from thinking about the past. I’ve tried my best to stay busy. Elle came over to help me pack a few times. On one of those occasions she brought some ridiculous magazine with all the typical breakup articles. Ridiculous – yet I’ve read it four times and I now know I’m on stage three – feigned indifference.

Josh came over yesterday and convinced me that watching a movie would be the perfect distraction. He chose a rom com, but I couldn’t stomach watching the happy couple on the screen. Why couldn’t he have brought a horror instead?

I know I haven’t dealt with our breakup yet, but this move is a step in the right direction. When I open my eyes, I feel stronger and reassured. Relocating here is the best thing for me.

“I doubt that’s going to happen, Elle, but you never know. I may come back to Boston a new improved person.” This is a fresh beginning for me and I’m going to make the most of it. Being in this city makes me want to try new things and experience everything I can. I’m going to grab life by its balls and make it my bitch. Watch out New York City – Janny Moore’s here and I’m taking no prisoners.

Chapter Six


I’ve been at The Carmel Rehabilitation Facility for two weeks now. This is rumored to be the best place for a fast rehab. They specialize in helping stroke victims and in the short time I’ve been here, even I’ve noticed a huge improvement. I can now move my arm again. I may not be able to make it do what I want it to, but at least it’s a start.

“What’s new with you, Kyle?” Kenna breezes into my room.

I scratch my beard-covered chin. “Gee, Kenna, there’s so much going on with me right now. Where do I start?”

She punches me in my good arm. “Don’t be a dickhead. I’m just being polite by asking. I don’t really give a shit what’s new with you. I’m still angry with you and I may be for the rest of your sorry life.”

I clench my teeth together aggravated with her and her incessant need to punish me for pushing Janny away. Why can’t she see it was the most selfless thing I could’ve done?

“You can be a bitch if you really want to. It doesn’t bother me at all. All I did was cut someone loose, someone I don’t even remember.” My eyes squint when I look at her. “How that makes me a bad guy I’m not sure. If you only came here to shit on me and tell me how dumb I am, I’d prefer you not bother. I have real problems of my own to deal with and I don’t need your drama added to them.”

She sits down in the chair next to mine and places a bakery-style box down on the table between us.

“I brought you chocolate cupcakes if that helps. I don’t mean to be a bitch to you, Kyle. I’m just so angry with you for Janny’s sake.” She gathers her shiny, black hair in her hands and drapes it over one of her shoulders. “You really hurt her. She loves you so much and you just threw her away like she’s insignificant.” Her amber-colored eyes flash with anger at me. “True love is a precious gift we don’t all get to experience.”

Later that night when I’m lying in my bed, I think back to the conversation I had with Kenna. I know love isn’t something everyone is entitled to and if you find that special someone you’re lucky. But what’s the right thing to do when you can’t remember that love that you’ve supposedly experienced? Do you take everyone’s word for it or do you move on with your life?

I haven’t regretted the decision I made regarding Janny, until right now. Here in the dark silence of my room, I think about her beautiful face, her sexy body and I long to remember what it feels like to be buried inside her pussy. I want to know what her warm, tight, heat feels like clenching my cock when she Copyright 2016 - 2024