The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,259

Liberty and I wouldn’t be surprised if she left. My behavior last night wasn’t fair to her. She shouldn’t ever feel like she needs to be a substitute for Elle and to be perfectly honest, no one could be.

Slipping on a pair of boxer briefs, I grab a clean pair of jeans from my closet. Tugging them on, I head to the laundry closet in the hallway right off my kitchen. I want my favorite vintage Genesis t-shirt and it’s in the dryer. I can hear Liberty speaking in the kitchen. Is she on the phone or is someone here?

Curious to see what’s going on I round the corner, entering the room and find Janny seated at the island with a bottle of water in front of her. Liberty is seated next to her. I smile as I head in her direction. “Hey, to what do I owe this surprise?”

She rises slowly from her seat, her back arched under the weight of her enormous stomach. “We’re going to breakfast this morning. Don’t tell me you forgot.” She presses her lips together in disappointment.

I pull her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. “I’m sorry, I did forget, but let me grab a shirt and we’re good to go.”

Her arms wrap around my back. “I’ve missed you. I understand how busy you’ve been with Canvas. I’m sorry Kyle and I didn’t make it to the grand opening.”

“I didn’t want you to come. Well, let me rephrase my words. If you weren’t pregnant I would’ve been pissed if you weren’t there with me. But the lines were long and it was a hot, humid day. I’m glad Kyle made you stay home.” I take a step back, looking her over. She looks beautiful and happy.

“What makes you so sure he made me?” she huffs sinking back down on the chair.

I raise an eyebrow at her before I turn and take the few steps back into the hallway. “Are you really asking me this? I know you better than you do yourself,” I raise my voice so she can hear me.

“Good point.” I hear her answer as I’m already digging through the clothes in the dryer. Finding the black shirt, I shake out the wrinkles and hold it up in front of me - not bad for a thirty-year-old piece of clothing. This is another one Janny bought for me. She knows better than anyone about my obsession for eighties music and concert tees. Slipping on the shirt, I search for some socks and slam the dryer shut

“Do you know if you’re having a girl or a boy?” Liberty asks as I pull my socks on, balancing on each leg.

“No, we want to be surprised. Actually, I wanted to know at first, but my husband Kyle didn’t. I knew if I found out I’d spill the beans to him.” She smiles, staring down at her stomach, her hand rubbing back and forth. “There’s no way I could sit on a secret for long.”

“Are you hoping for one more than the other?”

“No, we only want a healthy baby. But I will say my husband would be adorable with a daughter. She’d probably hate him during her teen years though.”

“I don’t think your kid will get away with much, son or daughter. Not with a private investigator for a father,” I mention returning to the kitchen and leaning back against the granite counter.

Janny snorts. “Kyle will be running background checks on everyone he or she dates.”

I laugh at the thought. It’s hard to believe they’re married and about to have their first child. I’m in a completely different place in my life from them. I began my apprenticeship when I was still in college. Once I graduated, the tattooing continued and I also worked on building my reputation as an artist. Now, Canvas takes up most of my time. Relationships haven’t been a priority for me.

It’s surreal to think about how much Janny’s focus has changed in the two years since we ended our relationship. She went from being a student to being a wife and mother to be in the blink of an eye.

“I’d bet any amount of money he ran one on me when you two were first dating,” I say.

She tucks her hair behind her ear. It’s a well-known tell of hers. One she does when she’s nervous or uncomfortable. “Yep, I can tell, by looking at you.”

“Damn it. You know me too well. He didn’t mean to be Copyright 2016 - 2024