The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,206

“I’ve never done this before.” She drops her head forward studying the hardwood floor. When she raises her head, and meets my gaze she continues. “When I slept with Christopher we were already in a relationship. This,” she gestures back and forth between us, “is different, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.”

I place my hand on her shoulder. “Why do we have to figure it out now? I’m not pressuring you in any way.” Gently squeezing her shoulder, I continue, “Can we just have dinner and leave what happened the other night out of it?” I ask, my eyebrow raised.

She smiles. “Yes, I’d like that.”

“My place, six-thirty sharp.” My hand slides up to grip the back of her neck. “Don’t make me come for you.” My fingertips trail down her back and fall away. I turn, heading to the front door. Keeping up the ruse I was on my way out when she returned home, I walk to the packie and grab a couple bottles of wine to go with dinner. I whistle Three Blind Mice all the way back to my apartment.

Lana’s knock on my door comes at six-twenty-five. I smile; she’s obedient. Wiping my hands on the dish towel, I drop it on the granite countertop, striding from the kitchen to the entry. Stopping in front of the door, I run my fingers through my hair and then mentally slap myself for acting like a fucking girl.

Lana could be the best thing that ever happened to me or the worst. The jury’s still out.

Seeing her smiling face when I open the door, my doubt melts away. Whatever the outcome of our time together, it will be worth it in the end. She’s making me a better person - making me want to be a better person for her, if not for myself.

“Hi, come on in.” I step back, closing the door behind her.

“Here,” she holds out a plate of chocolate cupcakes. As I take them from her my mouth is already watering. “I made these yesterday. I know you liked them last time.”

“Thanks, you can share your cupcakes with me any time you want.” I wink at her. “Have a seat.” I gesture toward the kitchen table and chairs. I already have plates and silverware set up for us. “I’m just finishing up now. Dinner should be ready in a few.” I crack open the oven door, checking on the steak I have broiling. The beep of the microwave lets me know the potatoes are done. I remove the scorching hot bag, quickly dropping it on the counter before it can burn my fingers.

Lana’s giggle has me glancing in her direction.

“What? That motherfucker’s hot.”

She giggles again, rolling her eyes. “That’s what potholders are for.”

“Anything cooked in the microwave isn’t hot enough to justify using those. Have you ever had potatoes cooked in a bag?” Her eyes light up with amusement, she presses her lips together holding in the laughter.

“You can laugh now, but once you taste these babies you’ll never go through the hassle of making them any other way.” I cut the top of the bag open, dumping them into a large glass bowl. “Golden potatoes cooked to perfection in only eight minutes. It’s foolproof.”

She giggles, and I savor the musical sound of it. I want to hear her laugh all the time. I want to be the reason she’s so happy.

When I remove the pan of steak and place it down on the stovetop, the fire alarm immediately goes off. Every fucking time I use this oven it sets off the goddamn alarm. The noise is so loud, it’s deafening. Lana covers her ears and begins to laugh.

Grabbing the towel off the counter, I wave it in front of the overly sensitive device. I want to pull it from the wall and smash it into a hundred pieces, but I don’t. I take a deep, calming breath and restrain myself.

The shrieking siren stops almost immediately. Motherfucker.

Frustrated, I throw the towel onto the counter and run my fingers through my hair. This isn’t going how I wanted it to.

Chapter Sixteen


Watching Zack prepare dinner has been entertaining. It’s adorable how flustered he is now that the fire alarm went off. He uses his fingers to rake his hair back, then places both hands on his hips like he doesn’t know what to do next.

“Do you need any help?” I ask.

His eyes snap in my direction. “No, I’ve got it.” He moves quickly and efficiently placing Copyright 2016 - 2024