The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,156

to the quick. I despise myself for letting anything Josh said make me question myself or question what kind of person I am. I enjoy sex and I embrace that about myself. What’s wrong with using guys for sex? They use me for the same thing? I’m always up front about what I want and I never lead anyone on. How is that so wrong?

I hug a pillow to my chest. Mark’s words play over in my mind. “You deserve to be treated better than what happened tonight. You shouldn’t ever have to put up with being a substitute for someone else.”

Josh kissed me. Once I got over the initial shock, I was completely consumed by him and wanted the kiss to go on and on. I lost myself in the feeling of his mouth on mine, his body pressed tight against me. His kiss was all I could think about. Was it the same for him? Was he as lost in the moment? Or is he still hung up on Janny and imagined he was kissing her?

Chapter Six


We sleep in the next morning and take advantage of room service. I order enough food to feed a small army. This will most likely be our only meal until after the wedding. I’ve made reservations, with Janny’s help, for Kenna to get her hair and makeup done. She packed a new dress she purchased the other day. I haven’t seen it yet. It’s hanging in the closet here, covered up. She came home so excited about it.

“I got a dress.” She flashed me a smile as she walked across the kitchen to me. I was cooking our dinner at the stove, stirring the spaghetti sauce in a pan. I leaned down and captured her lips with mine for a quick kiss.

“Good,” I replied, not sure what the appropriate response should be in this scenario.

“Do you mind if I don’t wear a white dress like a traditional wedding?”

I laughed and wrapped an arm around her. “Leoncita, since when have we done anything the traditional way? I think you look beautiful no matter what you wear.”

After breakfast, we laze around in bed. It’s not until noon that I fill Kenna in on what I have planned for her.

“You might want to jump in the shower now.” She cocks her eyebrow at me. “You have an appointment to get your hair done in the salon downstairs in thirty minutes.”

“You made me an appointment?” she questions, a small smile teasing her pink lips.

“I did with a little help from Janny. You and the girls are all getting your hair and makeup done.” She turns on her side and props her head up on her hand. She trails her fingers up and down my bare chest. “You’re the best. How did I get so lucky?” I catch her hand and bring it to my lips for a soft kiss. “We’re so lucky.”

While Kenna’s gone to do her girly shit, I meet up with Kyle and Josh. There’s a cigar bar located in the hotel and the three of us are currently puffing away on some Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Belicoso cigars from the Dominican Republic.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married today, man.” Kyle shakes his head. “And to my sister of all people.”

Josh laughs as he exhales. “Your hot sister.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Hey, hey, enough of that. Don’t make me hurt you, dude. You’re one of the few guys I know I haven’t punched yet.”

Josh holds up his hands, in surrender, his cigar pinched between his lips.

“Besides, don’t think we haven’t noticed all the eye fucking going on between you and Elle.”

Kyle chuckles, nodding his head in agreement. He taps the extra ash from his cigar into the large glass ashtray in the middle of our table. “Don’t deny it, dude. I’ve seen it too and so has Janny.”

Josh shakes his head. “I hate couples. They must talk about everything. Even the most mundane shit.” He puffs on his cigar and blows out a few smoke rings. “There’s nothing going on with Elle and me. She hates me, dude.” His expression is morose. He points his cigar at Kyle. “If you can’t see that then you’re not as observant as I’ve always given you credit for.”

I laugh at what a dumb shit he’s being. “She doesn’t hate you, dude. Trust me.” I take a sip of Jameson the waitress placed in front of me. She moves around the table delivering drinks to Kyle Copyright 2016 - 2024