The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,109

factory and taking all the suspects into custody – including the lowlife who slashed me.

I get rushed to the hospital by ambulance. The paramedic working on me looks like he’s about twenty years old. Goddamn rookie. I’m fine. I told them I don’t need to go to the hospital, but no one would listen to me. I’m sure the blood pooling on the ground beneath my feet didn’t help my case any. Now I’m forced to lie here, strapped to this gurney while they start an IV and take my blood pressure. The knife wound in my outer thigh is throbbing, keeping perfect tempo with my heartbeat. It feels like the inside of my leg has been set on fire. The burning pain is radiating through my whole thigh. If I didn’t know better, I’d expect to look down and see actual flames. I’m not a pussy when it comes to pain. I’ve had my fair share of accidents and fights over the years, but this might be one of the most painful I’ve had to endure yet. I grit my teeth and wish for some relief soon.

They wheel me into the hospital like I’m on the verge of dying and push me into an emergency room bay. I smile and wonder if I’m this new kid’s first call. Hell, maybe I’m in worse shape than I think am. If I’m about to kick the bucket, I hope it’s fast and painless.

I’m quickly transferred to the hospital gurney and before I know it, my jeans are being cut off me by none other than Kenna McKenzie.

I smirk through my pain. “Kenna, you’ve been wanting to see what’s in my pants for years now. If you wanted them off, all you had to do was ask.” I laugh at my own joke and then grimace from pain. She glares at me for a brief moment and then returns to the task of cutting me out of my clothes.

“Derek, now’s not the time. Just lie there and keep your mouth shut. No one’s got time for your bullshit right now.”

“Yes ma'am. I like it when you get forceful.”

She ignores me and hooks up another IV bag. This one is full of antibiotics. God only knows what was on that dude’s knife. She cleans out the wound with saline and the burning sensation in my leg has my eyes watering. Fuck.

“Can’t somebody just glue the sucker shut and send me on my way?” I ask.

She sucks her teeth and shakes her head. “Believe me, I’d love to send you on your way but the doctor needs to look you over. Be a good boy and just lay there so we can do what we need to.”

The doctor arrives, putting an end to our banter. “I’m Doctor Jonas. That’s quite a laceration you’ve got there. I’m going to need to stitch it shut. You’re going to have a nice scar after this, unless you’d prefer a plastic surgeon to do it.”

I laugh. “Fuck no, I’m not worried about a scar. Women think scars are sexy. It’ll just add to my already immense appeal.” I catch Kenna rolling her eyes and rake my teeth over my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing. I love to fuck with her.

After the doctor finished putting in the stitches, he gave me a tetanus shot and informed me he wanted to keep me overnight to pump some more antibiotics into me. I told him I’d stay for a few more hours, but then I was leaving, with or without his consent.

Kyle came to hang out with me and then he gave me a ride home from the hospital. He carefully helps me inside.

“Do you need anything?” he asks, following me to my couch.

“Would you mind grabbing me a bottle of water from the fridge?” I’m doped up on the pain meds they gave me and I’m drowsier than I thought I would be. Kyle brought me a pair of basketball shorts to wear for the car ride. They fit over the thick white bandage that goes from my upper thigh to just above my knee. While I settle myself as comfortably as I can, he places a bottle of water on the end table beside me. I know I won’t be leaving this spot for the rest of the night unless it’s to use the bathroom. The stairs leading to my bedroom seem like too much work to conquer right now.

“I won’t be at the office tomorrow,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024