Come To Me (Dare With Me #3) - J.H. Croix Page 0,8

know, round them up.”

When Diego and Flynn meandered over, Daphne smiled between them. “Flynn’s coming.”

“If you didn’t notice yet, Flynn goes anywhere you want him to go,” Diego teased with a warm smile.

Daphne’s cheeks went a little pink as her gaze arced over to him. “You’ll be there, right?”

“Absolutely,” he said. “Wouldn’t miss it. Plus, you told me I had to go.”

Daphne rolled her eyes. “I hope you’re going because you want to be there.”

“Of course. I know there will be amazing coffee. I also hear there will be alcohol and your food. I wouldn’t miss it,” Diego said firmly.

When Daphne cast me a questioning glanced, I chimed in, “I’ll be there.”

Chapter Four


I wanted to linger after yoga class. Hell, I hadn’t even really wanted to go to yoga class, but I went because it meant I got to see Gemma. Gemma in a fitted tank top and leggings sent lust sizzling through me. I wasn’t certain, but I thought she avoided me a little during the class, only giving me two gentle corrections.

That’s how ridiculous I was. There I was, hoping I’d need her help during class, anything to get me close to her no matter how brief. As we were walking out to the parking lot, Daphne asked, “Did I hear your sister was coming up to Alaska to stay for a while?”

I slid my gaze to her and nodded. “I figure with Elias at Cammi’s place all the time, she can have his bedroom. That okay?” I looked to Flynn as we collectively paused in the parking lot beside his truck.

“Of course,” he replied. “As long as it’s okay with Elias.”

“As long as what’s okay?” Elias asked when he stopped beside us.

“My sister is coming up to stay. Can she stay in your bedroom?”

“You’re at Cammi’s all the time anyway,” Grant observed with a sly grin.

Elias glanced to Cammi. “That okay with you? That means I’ll really be at your place all the time.”

Cammi smiled up at him, her cheeks pinkening slightly. “Yes.”

“Might as well make it official and just move your stuff out of the room,” I teased.

“I’ll definitely clean it up for your sister,” he countered with a laugh rustling in his throat. With that, he waved and left with Cammi. I climbed in my truck, following Flynn’s truck home.

Grant rode back to the resort with me. “Feeling all mellow?” he asked as I turned onto the highway that led us out of Diamond Creek.

I chuckled. “Actually, I am. I thought it was a joke when Flynn wanted us to go to these classes because Daphne asked him, but after a day of sitting in a plane, it feels good to stretch out.” I kept my silence on how good it was to see Gemma.


“This view still hasn’t gotten old,” I commented, looking ahead to the mountains rising in the distance with the waters of the bay glittering under the setting sun to one side and the lush greenery of the Alaskan forest on the other.

“It never does,” Grant replied. “I’ve been here my whole life, and I still love it.”

We fell quiet after that. One of the things I liked about hanging out with Grant was he didn’t mind silence. I was feeling relaxed and loose and soaked in the view on the stunning drive home. Living in Alaska sometimes felt like living in a postcard.

Walker Adventures, the resort Flynn owned with his brother and sisters was roughly twenty minutes outside of Diamond Creek, down a long gravel road. It was far enough out that if you didn’t know Diamond Creek was nearby, you could imagine you were completely isolated. As the crow flew, you were. The little town gave us an outlet, and also made this resort’s booming business possible. People could come for the wilderness expeditions and go to town for shopping, food, and the summer crowds.

“Wonder what Daphne’s got lined up for dinner,” Grant commented as I rolled to a stop in the parking lot outside the main resort.

“No matter what it is, it’ll be delicious,” I replied as we climbed out together and crossed the parking lot.

Grant chuckled. “That’s a guarantee.”

We climbed the stairs to the large building. The resort was a three-story octagonal shape. The main guest area was spacious and offered several areas for gathering. One area had a fireplace with seating around it, another had a large flatscreen television mounted on the wall with more seating, and yet another area had bookshelves and seating.

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