Come To Me (Dare With Me #3) - J.H. Croix Page 0,44

“Good plan. Now, how do you feel about my brother?”

Daphne nudged Harley with her elbow. “Lighten up. This is only the second time you’ve met Gemma.”

Harley, unabashed, shrugged. “So what? Consider it a screening.”

I couldn’t help it, and I burst out laughing. “I’m being screened?” I asked when I stopped laughing.

Harley actually looked a little sheepish this time. After a swallow of coffee, she explained, “Sorry. I guess I might be a little too forward about it. Diego got screwed over once before. I just want to make sure you’re on the up and up.”

I held up a hand. “No need to worry, Harley. I know how to take care of myself, and I have no expectations. Plus, Diego and I have only gone on one official date. When you saw me at the resort, I was there to talk about doing yoga classes.”

Harley shifted gears. “You’re not gonna give up that fast, are you? Trust me, my brother is totally a catch.”

Daphne rolled her eyes. “You can’t have it both ways, Harley. Either you’re trying to chase her away, or persuade her to fall in love with your brother. Pick a lane and stay in it.”

Harley laughed. “Okay, okay, maybe I’m being…” Her words trailed off as she appeared to reconsider.

Daphne interjected helpfully, “A bit much?”

I snorted a laugh at that, pushing my empty plate away. Harley cast Daphne a friendly glare. “Point taken.” She looked back toward me. “Diego is awesome. That is all. If you break his heart, I’ll kick your fucking ass.”

“I don’t doubt it,” I said with a nod. Oddly enough, this interaction had warmed me to Harley. It was obvious she cared deeply for her brother, and I admired that. Family mattered to me, and it meant a lot to know Diego had family who loved and protected him.

Conversation moved on to lighter matters, with a few people stopping by the table to say hello to Daphne. She deftly introduced me to more locals who might come to my yoga classes. Even better than that, maybe I would make more friends. I was all about that.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Mom, I don’t know that I need to feel more free,” I offered as I adjusted the phone against my ear and stirred the pasta on the stove.

“Honey, I’m just saying it’s a way to take back your part of the story. I hate how everything went back then. While I am absolutely furious that man was allowed to continue coaching and has since gone on to abuse other girls, I’m also relieved it’s all coming out now. The truth will set you free.”

“Oh God,” I groaned. “Now we’re back to clichés.”

My mother was undeterred. “Clichés become clichés for a reason. Because they make sense, and they can be meaningful. I couldn’t protect you from him before, and I wasn’t able to make sure he was held accountable. I think it might be empowering for you to be a part of this case.”

“Mom, I already told you I’m thinking about it. Give me a little time to decide. There’s not a big rush. The attorneys on the case sent me a letter and let me know the schedule. The first hearing where I could even testify isn’t going to be for three months. If that. You’re the one who always tells me how waiting for court takes longer than watching paint dry. It’s highly possible it will get continued. I don’t have to decide right away.”

“I know, I know. I just wish—”

I cut in. “Mom, let this be something I figure out for myself. Please.”

My mother was quiet, and I could practically visualize the disappointment crossing her face. She was the kind of person who charged at life, and I knew she wanted me to charge at this.

“Okay, I will. Just know we’re there for you, one hundred percent.”

“I know, Mom. Your support means so much. I need to go because I’m making lunch, and I need to drain the pasta. I’ll call you in a couple days, okay?”

“Please do. Love you, dear.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

I had a respite from phone calls on uncomfortable and emotionally loaded topics while I ate my lunch before I headed in to my yoga studio for evening classes. I was looking forward to going out to the resort tomorrow for my first two yoga classes there. Daphne had texted me today to let me know the guest one was already full.

After I rinsed my dishes and set them in the rack to Copyright 2016 - 2024