Come To Me (Dare With Me #3) - J.H. Croix Page 0,15

and didn’t know any better yet.”

“Man, you’re always telling us how in love your parents were. I don’t see you just dumping some girl because you decided you were too young. That’s not how being young and stupid works,” Gabriel commented.

“It wasn’t that simple. She was the accountant for my father’s business and one of my sister’s best friends in college. That’s how we knew each other. She was a good enough accountant that she knew how to steal from my parents’ business and cover her tracks, at least for a year. That was a deal breaker for me. It would’ve sat better if she tried to steal my money rather than my parents.”

Flynn looked suitably horrified, his brows flying up. “Fuck. That’s bullshit.”

“Exactly. Don’t worry, she didn’t break my heart too bad. Like I said, we were young. It burned, but there was no way we were going to be able to work things out after that.”

Cat came in from the main room, her ponytail bouncing as she approached the table.

“Looks like you’re about to ask Flynn something,” I said with a grin.

Cat narrowed her eyes at me. “Don’t ruin it for me.”

Flynn glanced up. “What is it?”

“Can I spend the night at Shannon’s house?”

Flynn’s eyes flicked up to the clock mounted on the wall above the doorway. “How are you going to get there?”

“Nora said she’s going to town. She can bring me,” Cat replied swiftly.

Flynn nodded. “All right, then. I’ll call her mom and confirm. How you gonna get home tomorrow?”

Cat let out an aggrieved sigh. “I figured somebody would be going out to fly tomorrow and could pick me up. Wouldn’t want to put you out,” she said sarcastically.

That rolled off Flynn’s shoulders easy. He chuckled. “Of course, somebody will be flying. I’d be happy to pick you up, but I didn’t know if you already had a plan.”

Cat rolled her eyes and smiled before leaning over to kiss her older brother’s cheek. Nora came in from the back hallway at that moment, and Cat called over, “Flynn said yes. I’ll go get my bag.”

Nora stopped beside the table, and Elias added, “Cat can hitch a ride with me.”

“I was already going,” Nora replied. “Just need to see some live music and relax.”

Flynn was distracted by something Daphne was saying, but I didn’t miss Gabriel standing and commenting, “I might go with you if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not,” Nora said quickly. Her cheeks flushed pink, and I wondered when those two we’re going to stop trying to sneak around.

That answer remained firmly in the column of topics that were none of my damn business. At least, according to Gabriel. One time, only once, Tucker teased him about it, and I’d chimed in as well. Gabriel got all pissy and denied it six ways to Sunday.

Our dinner group gradually filtered apart. We were back at the other house when my cell phone buzzed in my pocket. Sliding it out, I smiled the moment I saw Hot Yoga Teacher on the banner.

Hot Yoga Teacher: What about both?

Diego: A plane ride and dinner?

Hot Yoga Teacher: Yes, please.

Diego: You got it, sugar. Tell me what day works for you?

Hot Yoga Teacher: What day works for you? You’ll be the one flying me. I only teach yoga Monday through Friday.

Diego: Sunday?

I knew my Sunday was open, and that was the one day we never had any delivery trips unless there was a random emergency. That meant there would definitely be a plane available.

Hot Yoga Teacher: Sunday is perfect.

Diego: I’ll text you the time.

Chapter Seven


“Oh, wow,” I breathed as I peered out the window of the small plane.

Diego had given me a set of headphones, so we could talk easily over the sound of the engine. I could still hear the rumble of it, but we didn’t have to shout over the noise.

“Incredible, right?” came his reply.


Kachemak Bay stretched out to one side under the plane as Diego hugged the shoreline on the far side of the bay across from Diamond Creek. Lush evergreen trees filled the lower flanks of the mountains, giving way to rocks and a glacier that glowed an otherworldly blue under the sunshine. We’d seen a grizzly bear grazing in an open field only moments ago. Diego was confident the bear was enjoying some berries, although we weren’t low enough for him to say what kind. We’d also seen several moose chewing on alder trees, and even a sea lion swimming in the shallows of the water, Copyright 2016 - 2024