Come Hot (Club Silken #2) - Jerrie Alexander Page 0,5

Zack was the last person I expected to give in to the permanence of marriage. The thought causes a cold shiver to run up my spine. Better him than me. I get out and walk inside.

The door swings open and Slider backs up to let me pass. “You the official doorman?”

“No. I was waiting for you. I can’t remember the last time I stepped foot in a church but I figure you’ve sinned more than me. I stand a better chance of not getting hit with a lightning bolt if you’re next to me.”

I open my mouth to tell Slider to fuck off but change my mind. “We might as well join the happy couple.” We start up the aisle and Zack meets us halfway.

“I’m glad you guys finally got here. It’s been three women and me for the last thirty minutes. Morgan’s so happy to have both her friends together again, and they haven’t shut up. How do they carry on a conversation when they’re talking at the same time?”

I don’t hold back my burst of laughter, and it reverberates loud and clear. I glance around to see if anyone heard me and see Morgan coming fast. “Now I’m in trouble.” Zack turns and extends his hand, but she pats him on the arm.

“Nick,” she exclaims like she hasn’t seen me in a long time.

“Morgan.” I tip my head in hello. “If you’ve changed your mind, you’ve come to the right man.” I ignore the low growl from Zack.

“Come with me. I want you to meet Kayla again before we start.”

I glance at Zack for help, but he gives me a shitty grin and steps out of the way to let us pass. Why am I nervous? Women never make me nervous. I offer Morgan my arm and smile down at her. “Lead the way.”


Watching Nick walk toward me, I realize he’s way better looking than I remember. Tall, with broad shoulders, his shirt is tucked into his slacks showing off his muscular chest and narrow waist. His sunstreaked, sandy-blond hair is barely touching his collar. He’s grown a mustache and just enough scruff on his chin to make him even sexier. Chills race across my skin as he smiles at something Morgan said. She promised the past wouldn’t be brought up and I trust her. I take a breath, slap a smile on my face, and step forward to greet him.

Nick extends his hand, and I slip mine inside his palm and strong fingers. “Nick Bianco. It’s good to see you, Kayla. I hope everything’s okay back home.”

“It’s great,” I lie.

“I’m glad you’re back.”

I remove my hand from his. “Thanks. I came back as soon as I could.” That was another lie since I’d been back five months, but, in my heart, I’ve just returned.

“Slider,” Morgan said. “You haven’t met Kayla.”

“No, I haven’t.” His eyes make a quick sweep of my body before settling on my face. “Justin Locke, ma’am.” He takes my hand and gives it a quick squeeze. “Silder, if you prefer.”

“Nice to meet you.” Hair cut military style, piercing gray eyes, and arms to die for, he’s incredible. All three of these men are gorgeous. I turn to Morgan. “Are we all here?”

“Yes. I’ll let Father Benjamin know we’re ready.” She and Slider hurry off, leaving me unprepared to chit-chat with anyone, especially Nick.

“I hear you, Morgan, and Chelsea are like triplets and love getting into trouble.”

I laugh at the image my mind conjures—a picture of us looking alike. “I’ll admit to a limited amount of times we might have gone a little off the rails, but the details are forever secret.”

“Maybe you’ll share some of them with me someday.”

I ignore his comment and take the opportunity to ask him a question. “I don’t understand. If Slider is escorting Chels, why aren’t you best man?”

“The bride and groom decided to keep the wedding simple and small. No maid of honor and no best man.”

“That doesn’t make sense. You’re his friend and aren’t in the wedding?”

“I begged off. Marriage is an outdated practice that ruins relationships.” He shrugs and studies my face. “But because he’s my friend, I agreed to be an usher. I heard you were back in town and changed my mind about being a groomsman.”

My face warms. “Are you telling me the truth?”

“Damn,” he mutters. “I hate liars. Zack helped me decide. I’ll do anything to make their wedding something to remember. He asked and I said yes.”

“I appreciate your honesty.”

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