Colton's Dilemma (Shadow Breeds) - By Dara Nelson Page 0,21

to have it checked tomorrow.

Instead of giving her the answers that she was seeking, he gave her the answer that he knew that she needed, “You’re safe because I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere,” he said as he stared deep into her eyes.

Somehow that felt like exactly the right answer. She hugged her arms tightly around his waist, pressing her body tight to his, and whispered, “Don’t leave me again.”

“I won’t, Miss,” he said – and she somehow knew that he was telling the truth.

“Tess. Please call me Tess,” she said, so innocently.

“Tess? Why Tess?” he said.

“Because that’s my name, silly,” she said – and then it hit her, what she had just said, “Tess! My name is Tess! I remember that. Oh my God, I remember my name! It’s Tess,” she said, and he felt relief flood into her.

“Well, nice to meet you, Tess. Do you remember anything else?” he said, his heart pounding – he really wasn’t ready for her to leave yet, but if she remembered where she lived, she might want to.

He felt her face frown into his chest, “No. Just my name.”

She felt him sigh, almost like he was relieved. Odd, she thought. Didn’t he want her to remember everything so he could send her home and get her out of his hair? Did he actually want her to stay here longer? Her? She was damaged goods, why would he? He was one seriously sick vampire. Vampire?!? That just popped into her head without thinking. He was a vampire – that’s why he looked the way he did, that’s why he was so incredibly strong, and that’s why he oozed that ‘come fuck me’ vibe. A vampire. Why the hell didn’t that scare her or shock the shit out of her? Did she already know vampires existed? Apparently she did, because knowing he was one felt perfectly normal. Did she know other vampires? Was she one? She couldn’t be, or her foot would have healed by now – oh, and there was the whole bodily functions bit too, and eating. Should she tell him that she knew? If she did, would he erase her memory of him and send her away? Vampires could do that kind of shit, right? If he could, she really didn’t want him to do that. Suddenly one little word from him brought her mind back to her surroundings, “Tess?” he whispered.

******************************************Colton’s heart started pounding. He could hear Hansen lifting the were’s body and carrying him down the stairs to the basement furnace. Hansen was strong enough to handle the task by himself, but would probably appreciate an extra set of hands. Colton knew he should probably go help – but he couldn’t bring himself to leave her, even for a few minutes. She was still shaking like a leaf. All he wanted to do was comfort her and make her feel better. Was he really going to do what he was thinking about doing? Was he insane? Two words from her lips made his decision for him, “Yes, Colton?” she whispered as her head came around to stare at him. Those eyes, those deep green eyes pulled him in – those eyes had fear and curiosity in them, that was to be expected – but longing, passion and desire? Was he really seeing that or was it his imagination?

“I want to kiss you,” he murmured as something just barely above a whisper. He steeled himself for rejection. But he watched, fascinated, as her eyes changed. Gone were the fear and curiosity. Burning strong, strong enough for him to feel it in his loins, was longing, passion and desire, dear God, she had so much desire in her.

“What are you waiting for?” she whispered, her eyes pulling him in so deep he was afraid he might drown.

He hesitated, “Are, are you sure you’re ready?” he said.

A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she said, “Just shut up and kiss me already.”

He didn’t need a second invitation. His mouth crushed down on hers. Their lips became one as his tongue darted in and swirled around hers. A fire instantly ignited in his body, a fire that he hadn’t felt in many years. Sure he’d had sex in that time, but passion? No, the sex was just to relieve pressure – there had been no passion in the sex, not from him anyways, not since….her. But there was passion now, holy shit, was there passion now. It burned Copyright 2016 - 2024