Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC #10) - Lena Bourne Page 0,61

is very accurately recreated in photos on the table, and it actually turns out better if I’m standing at the side, looking at it the way I saw it from the hill me and Blaze were on.

Hawk marks each face with a number and writes that same number on the house I point out as being the one the man lives in. There’s only five that I’m not sure about, but the rest of the guys confirm my best guesses.

“And Snake, the guy with the ponytail, he lives in the big house alone,” I say. “Two club girls spent the night there last night, the redhead and the one with the really short white hair. The guy who’s in love with the redhead wasn’t too happy with that. He paced around the bottom of that hill the big house is on for a good two hours waiting for her then went back to the whorehouse alone.”

“That is some very solid info,” Hawk says appreciatively. “You can go on every stake-out from now on.”

I almost say, Please, no, but manage to bite my tongue just in time before I blurt it out.

“Now, if we could only be sure that it’s only Sinners and their hangers-on down there, we could finish this job and go home,” Hawk says.

“Yeah, I wish I could be of more help there,” Ace says. “But I never got to meet all of them.”

“Brenda knows them all,” I say. “I could take her the photos and she could say if any one of them doesn’t belong.”

I came up with this idea the moment Ace wasn’t able to recognize all the men in the photos. And I’m hella proud of myself for waiting this long to bring it up.

Cross and Hawk share a look, then turn to Ace, who shrugs as though to say, Why not?

“Can we trust her this far?” Cross asks.

“Yes, I’m sure of it,” I say. “She hates them and they tried to kill her. She won’t betray us to them. And if she was gonna go to the cops, she would’ve by now, right?”

Hawk looks at Cross. “I’d rather have as much info as we can get for this job. It’s just pictures she’ll be looking at.”

“All right, as soon as this meeting is over, you’ll take her the photos,” Cross says.

Then him and Hawk continue to ask us questions about every little tiny detail about the town we spent the last two days watching. I’d rather be riding out to see Brenda, much rather. But I’m happy to sit here too, making sure that we’re doing everything we can to plan this job thoroughly so that we lose no more brothers to it.

Sunrise finds me on my bike, my hair wet from the shower I absolutely had to take before going to see Brenda, because I’m not at all sure how happy she’d be to see me smelling like I’ve just spent two days and nights lying in the dirt. In my saddlebags, I have two fat manila envelopes filled with photos I’m to show Brenda. One contains just the close-ups of the men, and the other a bunch of photos of the women too, which Hawk thought it’d be a good idea if she looked at too, just to rule out the possibility that the feds are using female agents. It’s pretty absurd if they are, given that the Sinners are a very man’s man kinda club, but Hawk was of the opinion we might as well check everything thoroughly.

The parking lot in front of the motel is empty when I ride up. I shouldn’t be leaving Brenda alone here day and night. It’s not a good place for a woman alone. Why the hell didn’t I think of that before?

It’s because I came here thinking just with my cock each and every time I’ve spent the night, and once I got that taken care of, all I could think about was the next time I could. She deserves better.

I knock on her door and she opens before I’m even done with it. She must’ve seen me coming, but that’s not happiness to see me on her face. Her eyes are shooting blue flames and her otherwise very nicely shaped, plump lips are an almost non-existent thin line.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I couldn’t call.”

She steps aside so I can enter, then slams the door once I’m inside. “What else is new?”

She stalks off and sits on the edge of the bed, crossing her Copyright 2016 - 2024