Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC #10) - Lena Bourne Page 0,35

no clarity either.

By twilight, I’m starving and scared of being alone. The heat absorbed by the asphalt and earth all day hits me like a blast from a furnace as I step outside the wonderfully cool motel room. I wish this heat was just a figment of my imagination. But I’m not so lucky.

The glass front of the vending machine is cracked and the blue and silver sign across the top is so busted I can only read the letters VEN and CHIN. Only about a third of the compartments are stocked and I should probably be afraid of eating anything from it, since no one’s been around to check on it for a long time.

“If you’re hungry, we do have a cafeteria here,” a man says, startling me. But when I turn is the pimply kid from reception. “Nothing fancy, Ramen noodles and such like.”

Is he the only one who works here? What the fuck is this? Bates motel? Maybe I should be scared of staying here alone. But Ramen Noodles sound very good right now. Much better a packet of those chips I’ve been eyeing in the vending machine, which I’m pretty sure are turning green with mold.

“Which way?” I ask snappishly since I don’t much like the leering smirk on the kid’s face.

“The door to the left of the reception,” he says, and points.

I wait a few moments for him to lead the way but grow weary of him just standing there with a dumb half-smile on his face as he checks out my boobs.

I feel his burning look on my ass as I start walking. I bet I could get a free meal out of this kid easy, he might even run down and get me a hamburger or something if I asked real nice, but somehow it’s a disembodied part of me thinking this. The woman I used to be before the Sinners caged me, I realize as I open the door.

It’s dark and musty inside the cafeteria, I bet no one’s been in here in ages, much less opened a window.

“I figured you’d get hungry long before now,” the kid says, flipping on the lights that cut my eyes as they come on brighter than the sun. “After the workout last night, I mean.”

I round on him and give him the meanest, strictest look I can muster. Which might be softer than I intended, because at least he just confirmed that what I think happened last night actually did. Maybe I’m not going insane. Maybe my faulty memory is all just down to stress and tiredness.

“You been spying on me?” I ask venomously. “You shouldn’t do that if you know what’s good for you.”

Fear flashes across his eyes and his stupid grin falters for a moment. But then he just grins wider.

“I got money if you’re up for some more fun,” he says. “And the noodles will be on the house, obviously.”

I almost slap him. No, I almost punch him. But I do neither because above all, I just don’t want to touch him.

“Watch your mouth, boy,” I hiss at him. “When my boyfriend hears of this, you’ll wish you kept your perverted ass in the backroom playing video games and your nasty thoughts to yourself. Assuming you’ll still be able to think when he gets done with you.”

It’s been so long since I’ve actually had to put a man in his place by myself, I’m tripping over my words. While I was with Monarch, men hardly dared to look at me. And the Sinners weren’t very interested in me after I got friendly with Piston. Clearly, I’ve lost my touch, because this dumb kid just keeps grinning.

“Your boyfriend?” he asks stupidly. “Oh, you mean that guy who couldn’t get out of here fast enough this morning. He didn’t even bother to pay for the room for tonight. But don’t worry, I’m sure we can work something out.”

Hearing that feels like all the air’s been sucked out of me, down to the last breath I was just taking. But I didn’t get this far in life by depending on anyone other than myself.

“Is that right, you little bitch? He left me the money to pay for the room because he was in a hurry. And he really won’t be happy that you mistook me for a whore,” I say. “He won’t be happy to the tune of messing up your face, and you’ll be lucky if he stops there. He’s a killer and so Copyright 2016 - 2024