Colt (Devil's Nightmare MC #10) - Lena Bourne Page 0,31

giving me no rest, no time to enjoy the orgasm before the next one hits, shattering the first into smoking bits of bliss, melting into this next one, making it more than the sum. And still, he keeps going, keeps thrusting, keeps giving me more pleasure than I can take.

I try to plead that I can’t take any more, but my voice is gone, along with my ability to breathe, to see, to feel anything but this intense pleasure his cock is waking inside me. As the third orgasm hits, explodes, shatters through the first two, and erupts like a volcano of searing hot bliss, I close my eyes and let the river take me to the home of all pleasure. A place I’ve never been to. But I always wanted to visit. As I surrender to it, I feel this pleasure everywhere. I am this pleasure.


The dream I was having becomes a reality as I wake up and reach out with my eyes still closed to feel Brenda’s ass. We left the sheets so crumpled up I’m lying more on the mattress than the sheet, and I have no pillow. Outside the light is blinding and the curtains are drawn, the shades up. We’re both naked and uncovered. I balance on my elbow to retrieve the covers from the floor. I manage to get the sheet, not the comforter, but it’s better than everyone passing by getting a good look at Brenda’s ass. Or my cock, for that matter. It’s sore like I spent the whole weekend fucking, not just one night. How many times was it? Five? Six? I want to wake her up for number seven and yes, I’m all up for making a weekend of it.

She’s just as wicked in bed as her sharp eyes and tongue suggested. Passionate doesn’t begin to describe it. Wild comes close, but doesn’t do her justice. Perfect. Yeah, I’d go with perfect.

Shit! It’s bright daylight outside!

I sit up bolt upright, the room spinning before my eyes, my vision turning black before the light once again penetrates.

I’m supposed to be the fucking relay man.

I’m practically praying as I scramble out of bed and feel around the mess of pillows, sheets, and comforter we made on the floor for my jacket and my phone.

I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than when I see I only have two texts from Blaze. In the first he asked where I am, the other just said, Never mind, I already know.

“What’s going on?” Brenda asks groggily.

“I was just checking something,” I say and toss the phone back into the mess on the floor. Then I go to her, cover her with my body, and give her the best morning-after kiss I’ve ever shared with anyone. I’m ready for number seven. A few minutes of kisses later, she is too. I really should’ve closed the curtains, but it’s a distant thought, riding on the very edges of her moan as I enter her.

My cock fits her like a hand in a glove, and after a few strokes, a few more of her moans so deep I can feel them in my balls, nothing but the pure pleasure of having her, taking her, making her mine enters my mind.

She opens like a flower in the morning for me, each time more beautiful, more fragrant, more alive. A weekend with her would never be enough. Nor would a lifetime. I don’t think it, I know it. The words are plain in the sensations coursing with the oxygen in my blood, growing louder with each thrust of my cock. She comes, writhing beneath me, her moans silent yet so loud I hear them in every cell of my body.

So I let go too, lose all awareness but the knowledge that this woman’s pussy is the best I’ve ever had.


My whole body, from the skin downwards, is tingling and chiming with the echoes of the orgasms we shared. I’ve never come so many times, so close together. Never got lost in a guy and the pleasure he was giving me so completely, never had a guy get lost in me so well and so totally.

I’m covered with just a thin sheet, the surface of the mattress rough against my tingling skin. I reach for Colt, but his side of the bed is empty and cold. Colt’s gone. Just like I knew he would be.

And just like that, the light coming in through the uncurtained window isn’t soft, white, and dreamlike, Copyright 2016 - 2024