The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,57

ridiculous! As if I would lower myself to repeat such a Banbury tale!”

“I hope Anne is able to withstand the cuts she will receive in society. And you as a consequence.”

“Why would I be affected?”

“Anne lives here. No one will visit a family in which a ruined girl still resides. Unless you wish to cast her off, of course, and send her to live somewhere else.”

Lady Catherine rose from her chair and stormed across the room. “As if I would send Anne away to live elsewhere!”

“You have just threatened to disinherit her.”

“She would return before I was forced to do that.”

“That’s fine, but I can’t see Sir James visiting. How shocked would his mother be to know you had allowed Anne back into Rosings? You have been missing for days, and Anne has also been absent. What rumours and gossip are already circulating?”

“If I find out that any of the servants have been spreading rumours, they shall be cast off without a reference.” Lady Catherine glared at the unfortunate footman, who stood guarding the door.

“The fact that you have already sent Mr. Huxley away will have convinced the servants of that. It will most certainly have been reported with wonder and speculation, particularly because you seemed to be perfectly happy with the last few years of Mr. Huxley’s work.”

“Damn the neighbourhood!”

“You should have been more circumspect, Aunt,” Fitzwilliam said gently. “If you had not overreacted when the news reached you that Anne had been foolish, you would not be facing any of this now.”

“So it is my fault, is it?” Lady Catherine demanded.

“No. Not as such, but your reaction to it was not prudent.”

Lady Catherine looked at her nephew through narrowed eyes. “You have changed. You never used to be so objectionable.”

Laughing, and with a shake of his head, Fitzwilliam indicated that his aunt should sit. “I was always the one who soothed you when Darcy told you the truth of a situation. That is all. I am having to play the role of Darcy in this situation.”

“Yes. Because that woman is having yet another brat.”

“Aunt, that is unfair. Darcy is the happiest we have ever seen him. Elizabeth is a perfect wife for him. You did not meet the women who fawned over him when he was single. Believe me, if he had married any of those, we would all have been sorry. He had a lucky escape when he did not fall for the so-called charms of the likes of Caroline Bingley,” Fitzwilliam said of one of the women who had been determined to set her cap at Darcy.

Lady Catherine sat down at her nephew’s request. “At least they would have come from the right stock.”

“Aunt, you cannot, in all countenance, wish an unhappy marriage on someone you care for just because the man or woman in question comes from the right kind of family, surely?”

Lady Catherine narrowed her eyes at her nephew. “Is this to do with that girl who tried to insinuate herself with you?”

“If you are referring to your niece, Prudence, no it has nothing to do with her. This is about Anne, and if you are going to stand by your daughter. Are you, Aunt? Or are you happy to remain here alone and estranged?” Fitzwilliam had riled at his aunt’s words, but had managed to keep his expression bland. She was being pig-headed and foolish, but he was aware that if the discussion turned into an argument, only Anne would suffer, for Lady Catherine would become even more belligerent.

“I would have to admit a steward into the front of the house. He would be in charge of Anne’s fortune.”

“This is not about money,” Fitzwilliam ground out. “It is about Anne finding a man who loves her for all her fragility and who is a decent, hardworking man. He has already shown he is committed to Rosings and will work hard to protect and develop the estate.”

“The ruination of Anne was probably his intention from the start.”

“Aunt, that is unjust.”

“What else am I to think?”

“That your daughter is loveable enough to fall in love with?”

Lady Catherine went silent for a while. Fitzwilliam thought he had struck a chord with his aunt, but then she looked at him, her expression full of disdain. “Love? Pah! That is for fools!” She stood and walked out of the room, flinging the words, “I shall hear no more of this!” over her shoulder as she went.

Fitzwilliam ground his teeth in frustration. He would have to stay longer than Copyright 2016 - 2024